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  1. How do you like new pinging through firewalls feature?
  2. Using DotArank on DotA-League.com
  3. Does this Ranking system work for South Africa Server also
  4. At what point should you leave?
  5. Sending results
  6. how can i finf out how much points i have?
  7. not register for download ?
  8. What happens if u get d/c?
  9. What will happend if you disconnect after you win!
  10. dotarank works for private servers??
  11. does it work on vista?
  12. points and ranks
  13. cheat programs
  14. leavers??
  15. no /from?
  16. WC3Banlist Pwnz J00000
  17. Score System instead of +1 point ?
  18. US West... Incompatible?
  19. LAN
  20. .ARank for Mac?
  21. How will this program interact with Custom Kick?
  22. Arank Set-up does not run on my computer
  23. Chain Leavers
  24. DotArank 2.0 Service Pack 1 (ingame commands) HowTo
  25. Whats the point of this program...is it really a rank???
  26. Can you check your own stats?
  27. Dotarank Growth
  28. 0ms
  29. Is rank system good?
  30. Potential leaver detection problem?
  31. 1 is the lowest rank, even if they are a leaver?
  32. forum colors
  33. I played at least 10 games nevere leaved and I still cant see my rank ?
  34. dotarank on PVPGN
  35. SP2 release date?
  36. Comon guys at least 30 reports no leaving and I can't find my self !!
  37. 10 minutes before the end is too big a buffer for leavers
  38. a game really only gives 1 point?
  39. New members section?
  40. Stopping Internet Explorer Loading
  41. newb help
  42. Technical implementation of ping
  43. I would just like to say...
  44. Dota Anti-maphack
  45. 100.000 PLAYERS
  46. Windows Vista
  47. Dota Rank on GGC
  48. Does Dotarank counter maphack?
  49. July 15'th update
  50. Dota Secure Server (DSS) and Dota Gaming Network (DGN)
  51. Drop hacks =/
  52. What means I dont have a Battle.net account ? I'm not ranked ...? I play a lot..
  53. Arank recognize namespoofer?
  54. quick question
  55. Arank compatiblity
  56. Can .Arank used in a private Battle.Net Server?
  57. WHAT THE SHIT???
  58. [CLOSED] Can someone upload a mirror for Dota Rank? i Cant DL from rapidshare.de
  59. Support: Why does 1 of my 4 games count as leave?
  60. other mirror please
  61. Hi, I'm new here
  62. comment on scoring system
  63. Ganjasmoka
  64. Funny Error
  65. Number of players req = include com players?
  66. How to add more than one battle.net account to my Dota Rank Account?
  67. DotArank hits 200000
  68. problem with BNet account
  69. HEy Help pls
  70. I'm new
  71. How do i find team to fight with? on US West - Aus.NZ host
  72. Channel: Dotarank on Northrend!
  73. DotArank problem hlp please --
  74. Plz Help!!!!! This is what it says when i finish a dota game plz advise
  75. Custom kick and leaver point...
  76. I love DotArank....but
  77. eurobattle.net annoncement
  78. Doesn't Work When I Host!
  79. HELPP!!! cant connect
  81. New Problem?
  82. I like your idea, but i won't support you!
  83. How to upload my replays?
  84. I got a loss from being disconnected in the first minute
  85. DotaRank stop recording my games
  86. New to dota rank.
  87. UPDATED: DotArank Chat Room
  88. US east canadian players add me up for lag free .aRanked games!
  89. .ARank causes random d/c's
  90. US East players, US / CA.
  91. Dota log file
  92. .aRank 2.3 beta missing dll files
  93. About Arank Help and stuff
  94. .Arank doesnt see if i log into battle.net
  95. Something's wrong with analysis of game report
  96. i dont get it
  97. Arank's side-effect: loitering
  98. Colored names on home page
  99. What is your opinion on banning people who left a game that started prematurely?
  100. This program is bugged; really bugged!
  101. How do i connect .Arank to battle.net
  102. When .Arank gives +1 and when -10?
  103. Current situation
  104. LAN?
  105. Serbian forum
  106. double report
  107. host quit, drop
  108. DOTA RANK isnt working !!
  109. Friends on azeroth
  110. Eurobattle.net Safelist Channel
  111. DotArank 2.3 Release Candidate 1
  112. Transfer
  113. Hosts... time to start hosting min rank games?
  114. DOTA Rank Can't Connect
  115. Gamename with Dotarank
  116. Pb with pts
  117. dotArank dead for me
  118. Server costs
  119. All Games get ignored
  120. this player didnot find.!!!
  121. DotaRank's False Promises & Segregation
  122. Why the strong stance against em?
  123. How .Arank protect against manually crafted reports?
  124. Wrong result
  125. (Suggestion)-ve rank for leavers or show the score they got(blueserver)
  126. Why does the new version of dota rank coutns finished games twice?
  127. How do I show the pings in pregame lobby?
  128. I guess arank currently means nothing on Lordaeron
  129. Wrong peoples counted and get points
  130. How Configure My Bnet Account?
  131. still rank 1 displayed in dotarank when im rank 4
  132. lately my games are ignored even if it lasts over 31 min ! WHY ?
  133. Dota Ladder BOT and auto Dota Hosting / Rating
  134. Hacking attempt (SRV)... ????? and 1 problem
  136. PLEASE SEARCH " NasuR" on " Northrend " !!! Why doesn't work DotaRank ?
  137. Delete old Ranks
  138. Rank not working on Eurobattle?
  139. DotArank 2.3 Release Candidate 2
  140. where are you / need to find each other
  142. How come?
  143. Scoring system completely messed up
  144. Rank display bug
  145. Add battel.net account to profile of dotarank;
  146. New Arank,..
  147. Would admin consider to add this map?
  148. Get Stats....
  149. I quit!!
  150. this s***
  151. New fields in Scoring Report (won: and lost:)
  152. 30 Minutes
  153. arank in 6 months
  154. Win Ratio: Coming Soon
  155. DotArank does not work even as a pinging programm.
  156. Please fix this report
  157. Cheating in ranking system????
  158. Half a Million !!!
  159. DotArank full with buggs?
  161. how to create account
  162. It is possible to use Dota RANK iin ListChecker games?
  163. DotA Client, an alternative ?
  164. DotA movie 5xW - discussion
  165. DotA Blogs!
  166. Bnet Accounts
  167. Do you need custom commands for DotA League?
  168. account not identified
  169. noobish question
  170. winratio abuse
  171. Pickup.listchecker
  172. How to get rank stat?
  173. ARank not connected?!/Get ladder rank?!
  174. Problem!?
  175. Wait what?
  176. About Robattle.net --- for dotarank administrators
  177. Forward Ports for DotaRank
  178. -10 points on a game leave at 5v2 (hosting)
  179. Finish too early? too bad..
  180. DotArank stops supporting PVPGNs
  181. MOVED: listchecker bug (double score)
  182. some errors...
  183. -10 on a 281min game, please remove that score...
  184. Game Copy Reported Need help.
  185. Questions about meta-rules of Dota Reporting LEAVERS [-10 score]
  186. Newbie here please help
  187. About Dota 6.50 and Arank
  188. Wireless router problem!
  189. Host problems
  190. -10 on a game where 3 left on sentinel before, adjust request
  191. Showing Wins/Losses in Player stats
  192. -10 points without a leave
  193. general problem?
  194. fr-pblm avc dotarank(missing info)
  196. Requesting ban for "mn_hoofd"
  197. how to use?
  198. -sp game
  199. i was kicked by a host (abuse ), game rank and 1 got -10 point, pls read
  200. Problem with winpcap
  202. Game < 30 min
  203. EuroBattle.net
  204. Dota rank account
  205. This System actually sucks.
  206. SNUDEL (HOST) custom kicker
  207. Neme[Zis_0[W]en (Ladder 2nd place)
  208. Kicked by Host with custom kick
  209. garena dotaladder error
  210. How to associate my .Arank account with my Battle.net account?
  211. Why ARank not wroking
  212. aRank2.3RC3 VS. Vista64bit?
  213. ping stats ect
  214. Probs with listchecker
  215. Problem with DotArank!
  216. Leaver???????????
  217. some problems with dotarank bug
  218. how to start DotArank.......
  219. Bugs Tracker
  220. f@[email protected] and djen10ths use bug
  221. -10 points, but didnt leave the game, bug?
  222. Another appeal: Got a -10, didn't leave.
  223. Got -10 when ratio was 2v5?
  224. Have -10 although never left a agme! Please help
  225. Dotarank dead?
  226. Custom kick exploit?
  227. Got -10 because i am the 7th person left the game?!
  228. About win ratio
  229. problem. plz help.
  230. Custom Kick abuser on dota rank
  231. What is the solution to the -10 bug?
  232. DotaRanking abuser?
  233. [swearword] rank system
  234. dota rank is not that cool
  235. why is my rank -1?
  236. Inconsistent Gamereports - quit with Dotarank (for now?)
  237. Mejorar DesempeƱo de DotaRank Windows XP o Vista con procesador Dual
  238. there is a minnor bug with ignored games
  240. found another buguser
  241. Question about Arank on lan
  242. .Arank causes Crash
  243. Is the programm .Arank dead ?
  244. dota rank is useless
  245. What is the solution...
  246. congratulations dotarank to 1.000.000 ranked players
  247. How to use arank
  248. Change Realm
  249. Official Retirement From Everything
  250. DotaRank 2.4?????