View Full Version : News & Announcements

  1. 6.68: Reliable or not reliable?
  2. LOST reinforce its squad
  3. DeMoN The Movie is finally out
  4. War heroes: Online DotA Tournament launched
  5. LOST.eu welcomes Santa
  6. XiaoXiaoFong quits DotA
  7. 6.68 preview #2: A tease?
  8. Merlini bids farewell to DotA
  9. IceFrog helped in making Heroes of Newerth?
  10. KingSurf merges with Nirvana.my
  11. 6.68 trailer
  12. 6.68 RELEASED !!!
  13. LGD.2009.sGty will now be a coach
  14. MYM Prime Defending - Groupstages announced
  15. Razer Global Challenge: Groupstages announced
  16. DeMoN leaves Nirvana.Int
  17. 6.69 is underway?
  18. LOST lost its Russian team
  19. MYM Prime Defending bracket released
  20. Nv.GiGa.Int is no more
  21. No Miracle for LOST.eu
  22. The DotA World Cup is finally announced
  23. vigoss back to competitive DotA?
  24. Fear to LOST.eu?
  25. Loveen and Mushi talk about Nirvana.Int
  26. Darer to host a �100,000 tournament?
  27. DeMoN joins the Makers
  28. New loadscreen for 6.69?
  29. AEON is no more
  30. 6.69 is out in one or two weeks
  31. DotA 2 Q&A
  32. New Greek Dota League
  33. 200 DOTA 2 KEYS - Giveout by CC-Esports.org
  34. 6.74c Changelog
  35. When DoTa 6.79 is out?