View Full Version : Ban Spammer and flamer

20-11-2011, 08:15 PM
Spammer & flamer name : MPaC

Extra Info : at CM Game when felt that we gonna lose .. he went to FF and i shared my hero for team Cause i got chicken ..so when all his friends went to ff and i was in fight he controlled me and he took me to the enemy .. i have no replay but i saved the game by Using !save
so if this will work to ban him tell me some way to upload it if useful i also got my ScreenShoot when Flamed me hard ..


i tell you again pls if my game saved would work guys to ban him ..tell me how to upload it to support you thanks rgc staff

22-11-2011, 04:51 AM
You should've saved the the game after it ended. Or you can you can set warcraft to automatically save replays after each and every game by hitting options> Game Play > Automatically Save Replays.

He'll be warned for flaming anyway.