View Full Version : Unvouch AMelas

04-12-2011, 02:10 AM
Amelas was kicked from #MGN.DL by Q [You have been unvouched by Obs! Reason: not joining games]

my inet was crashed

It was the first time I had not come into play for all my games.


pls vouch again

04-12-2011, 01:51 PM
i suggest to give him a 2nd/last chance,
i know that its not your fault, but a stable internet is a basic requirement to play in a HS league
since a drop/not joining may have a big impact in several situations.

hopefully u can fix it~

gl and best regards

04-12-2011, 04:26 PM
its was 1st time for 20+ games on this league...

I guess that's admin just my hater

04-12-2011, 08:23 PM
no one is hating here anyone, but if u say that this was only once then i SUPPORT your re-vouch


04-12-2011, 09:54 PM
Well, you were truanted for the same reason:
[21:49] * @MGN-BOTv1 Player Amelas has 95/100 (Great) reputation and 1 warns: [#533, Traunted in game #1989, -5 rep, -15 exp]

so taking into consideration the yesterday's incident, where you singed in pool, got picked and weren't joining the game, I was lead to unvouch you.

We don't need players with unstable internet connection in our league, sorry.
