View Full Version : WGZ rules/info

12-01-2012, 12:31 AM
General Rules/Info :
�> DotA Map : v6.73c
�> Mode : �cm only.
�> Channel : WGZ
�> Platform : RGC
�> This is the first season will start on 17 of January and will stretch over 20 days (approx.) at the end of which the first four places will certainly forward in the play-offs, the rest depends on the number of teams that will subscribe , play-offs will wear the name of WGZ finals which will be streamed .
�> The competition, consisting of 12+ teams hopefully , will have 11+ rounds (1round = 2 matches , 1 as sentinel the other one as scourge).
�> Every day you will play 1 round . Sentinel always starts the pick/ban process by using -cm1 command .
�> Failure to match is completely forbidden , at least one member from each team has to be present in the room 10 minutes before the match.
�> Delays are accepted only for a period of up to 20 minutes, any delay in passing over this threshold will be considered the default and treated as such.
�> If both teams not present at the match they will get Default loss and 0 points.
�> After 3 default losses your team could be removed if your league admin believes your team will stay inactive.
�> WGZ is a league for teams only with entrance fees !
�> Entrance fee is 300 RGD ( Ranked Gaming Dollars ) for each team .
�> Prizes are 85%(approx.) of total fees amount ( 10% is for RGC development , 5% for Pay-pal tax ) .
�> Prizes will be given to Top X (depending on number of teams we get).
�> Prizes will be given in REAL MONEY by Sir-Rogers (owner of RGC) by card transfer .
�> All players have to make sure that they have at least 1 possibility to get prizes ( Credit card , Pay-pal , Western-Union , if none of this is possible We don�t make responsible of ... )
�> Each team will pay entrance fee for 7 players rooster ( 5 + 2 stand-ins ) , if any team require extra Stand-in they will have to pay 50RGD for each extra Stand-in .
�> All teams will get 2 free stand-ins. Rooster definitely cannot be changed during the entire season.
�> All teams that will sign-up will be asked to create new RGC accounts like this example "TAG-nick" .
�> We need to get a Even number of teams (if we don`t last team that will sign-up or already signed will be Rejected will all apologizes)
�> Teams will get points as following : 3points for Win , 0points for lose .
�> After Teams will play a Official Round , they can play Free games on same Room without counting on Season Ranking .
�> There will be prizes for Off-season on WGZ room as well , prizes will be announced soon !
�> All games will be observed by WGZ staff members ( which will save all replays ).
�> Each team will have 1 Team Captain rank in WGZ room ( when you post signing-up mention your Team Captain ) other rank requests will be automatically denied.
�> For any other issues just Private Message 1 of our staff members ( without High-Lighting him more than once ) and please wait kindly for his answer.

In-Game Rules :
�> If one team is incomplete (i.e. 4 players or less) the other team may claim the win. If the incomplete team and Observer agree , the game(s) may be played with less than 10 players and/or uneven teams.
�> Any team has the right to pause game for up to 5 minutes, but only with a proper countdown of at least 3 seconds. A maximum of 2 pauses per team are allowed on a game.Teams are also obliged to give a countdown of at least 3 seconds before pausing/unpausing.
�> If a player disconnects before First Blood has occurred, both teams are obliged to remake the game. If a player disconnects after First Blood has occurred, both teams are obliged to Load from last save and give time for the disconnected player to rejoin.
�> If the game is remake all players must choose exactly the same heroes and same items. Additionally all heroes must be in the same lane as they were from the first game and all wards must be placed on the same places or not placed. After creep contact on the lane you can change lanes.
�> A team which has lost an Advantage (see next rule) against the other team since the last save may not force a load from last save game if a player disconnects.
�> An Advantage is defined as follows: If Team A has obtained more than 5 hero kills more than Team B, Team A is counted as having an Advantage. Tower kills count for 3 hero kills and barracks kills count for 5 hero kills when calculating who has the Advantage.
�> The game is over and the winners found when: * The World Tree or Frozen Throne is destroyed OR* The other team gives up and typing !ff (forfeit the game) .
�> Bug using will be punished and may result in a default loss. If you are not sure if something is a bug or not it is your responsibility to find out.
�> You are not allowed to block creeps (only with you character) with the use of spells such as Fissure, Sprout, Summons or any other spells which hinder your own creeps from getting to their destination. However, you may use fissure to completely block a lane outside the base if it's done with the intention of killing a hero or saving an allied one.
�> Item Restrictions :
Two Refresher Orb per team
Two Necronomicon per team
Two Hex per team
One Khadgard�s Pipe of insight per team
�> Any kind of cheat is strictly prohibited. Warkeys / Dotakeys are allowed.
Behavior in league:
Participating teams and players must always have good manners and respect other players and the Admin staff/organization, on the website, in-game and RGC chat. Teams and players may receive a warning, default loss, disqualification or dismiss from WGZ if they commit any of the following:
- Refuses to follow league official rules .
- Use flaming or derogatory remarks, directly or through insinuation. Use offensive contents, including but not limited to, racism, gore or pornography .
- Shows an unsportsmanlike behavior .
- Any other unmannered action .

In any of the above cases, will be no exception , so obey rules as they are !
Please note that these rules may change throughout the season, and all rules are subject to an administrator�s interpretation and may be altered as they see fit. Both managers and players must know the rules and ignorance is not an excuse.