View Full Version : Hello there!

10-06-2009, 02:05 PM
Hi all!

I'm new to the forum here, but I play DotA on the NOL hostbots, mainly bots 9 & 10: -AR mode.

Im 27 years old, and live in Holland.

Some people might have seen me and/or some of my friends from TM around:
TM-Billie, TM-Dentist, TM-Ernesto, TM-Herintraider, TM-Origin, TM-Varpoxan, TM-Viperius, and some other I might have forgotten to mention.

Before anyone asks: no we are not a clan! :)
We are just a bunch of friends who like to play games together, and have chosen a tag to make it clear we belong together as a team :)

We used to host our own games, but sometimes we got some complaints from players who had lag, and one of us discovered a NOL hostbot to play on.
To be short: NOL bots rule! Very good ping (usually 5-20 ping for me).

The only problem is that sometimes a lamer is on blue who starts a different mode than the one listed, or even selects -wtf mode. (had that happen only once so far luckily). But I do understand you guys can't help that alot, and there are not much problems in the games usually. The worst things to happen is mostly when someone forgets he is blue, and we have to pause to game to tell him to type -ar.

Anyway, I noticed the site listed in the server comments when connecting to one of your hostbots, and decided to check it out and register here. I'd like to support you guys to keep it up! :)

I got a small question right away: I noticed some people on the board talking about the other hostbots (1 to 8) And I understand those are for high(er) ranked players. How do these work? do you need to be registered to be able to play on them or such? I can't remember seeing those bots in the game listing. I have seen some -AP bots a while ago, but I haven't seen those for a while now.
It's just that we are a bit annoyed by the amount of leavers in the pub games usually, so if there is a way to play with some more serious players we would be very interested to hear about it.

I'll maybe see some of you ingame! :D

10-06-2009, 02:10 PM
welcome my friend� and we were glad that you we knew�
have fun to our community ;)

10-06-2009, 02:16 PM
Hello there , its nice to see foreign people from other countries to post on our forum.Look i'll give u some tips.First we have the bots (5,6) for public games who spam in channels like "eleos".On the other hand we have NL bots 3,4 (low rank) witch in my opinion u can meet more skilled players.For 3,4 bots the administrators hosts a private game witch u can see it only from "Clan Nol" channel.Then u mention something about high rank bots.Those will be 1,2 but no yet.There are going to play only the chosen ones most high skilled freaking imba players or somethin :p.Also I forgot to mention that u can be on the pub bots (5,6) admin too.Anyway I hope I ll make some thing clear to u.Anyway Enjoy xD.

10-06-2009, 02:18 PM
Welcome In Our Community
i am really glad to see that we have a member from another country here...i am glad that u are part of our community now...if you want to become an admin make your post like this one in the sticky but you must chose which bots you want...:) http://www.dota-alliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=184

10-06-2009, 02:25 PM
Wow fast replies here, very nice :)

Thanks a lot for the explanation on the bots sTuCk! I now have a much better understanding of the different bots there are!

The highrank servers will not be for us I'm afraid, as we are (in my opinion) quite decent players overall, but we are by no means freaking imba players in any way :P

It sounds very nice to be able to be an admin to help and make the Bots an even more fun place to play as they already are right now! I'll make an apply when I've decided what bots are the best for us to play, and see if I can be an admin there.

One last question about the bots 3 and 4 for the somewhat more skilled players (which sounds nice), and I'd like to try and play on one to see what those are like. Is the "Clan Nol" channel free to join, or is it password protected or so in any way? (at work now, so I can't check.)

Thanks in advance for any answers!

10-06-2009, 02:35 PM
channel nol is free to join but sometimes cause of some circumstances it bocomes private and you can't join it...but this doesn't happen all the time...just sometimes...so you can join clan nol for free...you just have to type /j clan nol...:) if you have any other question we are here for you :) welcome again :D

10-06-2009, 02:37 PM
One last question about the bots 3 and 4 for the somewhat more skilled players (which sounds nice), and I'd like to try and play on one to see what those are like. Is the "Clan Nol" channel free to join, or is it password protected or so in any way? (at work now, so I can't check.)

First of all,
Welcome in the site!!!

Answering your Q: just press /join clan nol and you will find our channel. It is public, that means don't expect to find some danish players like Maelk or Pusher :p
Also you will notice that some gamenames will be spammed for people to join. In-game I recommend you to make your teammates speak english, because there are mostly greeks...

If you want to become an admin in 3,4 Hostbots, apply (http://www.dota-alliance.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=15) here.
If you want to become an admin in 8,9 Hostbots, apply (http://www.dota-alliance.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=88) here.

For any Questions pm me! :)

Edit: It (http://www.dota-alliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=704) will be updated in English soon!

10-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Hey dude,

Nice to see a fellow-Dutch guy here :cheers:


10-06-2009, 04:21 PM
welcome in the community!

10-06-2009, 04:22 PM
Welcome to our community.

10-06-2009, 04:47 PM
@EIS.PheNoM[D2W]: Thanks, I will check out the channel next time I'm going to play some games.

@[Illu] DotAddicteD: Great help, thanks. I noticed that the command listing was still in greek (or at least I think it's greek?), but most commands are straightforward. An english translation will indeed be useful, so I'll see when it is updated. First I need to decide for which bots I want to apply anyway :)

@[TF] NineEleven: I remember Your battlenet account: 'OMG]'. I'm pretty sure I played against you on bot 9 or 10 yesterday, when I was playing with 3 of my friends there. I'm not sure how well you did, but I know we won that game, as we won both games we played yesterday :D

@everyone else: thanks for the warm welcome so far!

10-06-2009, 05:20 PM
To be short: NOL bots rule! Very good ping (usually 5-20 ping for me).

hehe they run on 100mbit servers from holland atm so no wonder u have imba ping :) we are getting few more servers in the next couple of weeks to have even more games up :) our record is 160 games at the same time atm :D getting to 2000 games or so per day :D

10-06-2009, 05:54 PM
welcome mate.
hope you enjoy our community!

18-06-2009, 09:24 AM
Greetings and have fun at this community!!!

18-06-2009, 01:08 PM