View Full Version : Ban request on Bad_boy_killa

11-10-2009, 05:26 PM
greetings community,

I strongly advice an unvouch on bad_boy_killa . This unvouch request doesn't concern his skills / stats.

* @P2-BOT Bad_Boy_killa[Veteran]: Vouched by neXt`PeLaTis(11:43:51 04/10/09), Promoted by neXt`PeLaTis; Rated Sickening(163/164); Last game: DPCM74;

BBK his manners aren't the brightest, well as far about that it doesn't allow me to make this request as my manners aren't better then his.

I request this ban based on various problems with him in the games he was with us. Now last game (93)

* @P2-BOT Game DPCM93(11:17:42 11/10/09): Team Sentinel: <Kircho Setera Downfall--- Aldredcz axjibenai> Team Scourge: <Bad_Boy_killa ext3 sWinEfLu exthaaasy [miR]QgoldQ> Result: draw

Downfall--- hosted 9players joined it right away. Who was missing? BBK! He refused to play on ANY other host... meaning it didn't matter we had best swedish host or not. He only plays on his host! So he eventually did get to host, We all joined that then. 20min elapsed... and game still wasn't started. Then various people had unplayable delay on his host. And I'm sure this ruined alot more games.
Therefor we had to close this game!

[17:17] <@ext3> .closegame 93

Unvouch imo before he ruins 10000more games...
Least is a ban imo.
He's probably under protectoin of some admins here. But look at the facts.

11-10-2009, 05:27 PM
!unvouch him please, i have the worst experiences with this "guy"!

11-10-2009, 05:30 PM
!support this unvouch

11-10-2009, 05:31 PM
axxxa and then the retarded admin ext3 banned and unvouched me from dp2 ???

are u kidding me kiddy boy ?I have like not all day to play this game IT WAS ABSOLUT UR FAUL . WE WAIT LIKE 20 MINS ALL JOINED MY HOST EXPECT the retarded kid bbk and the arabian admin ext3 w/e his name is.THen we joined his host and guys started to whine about lags/spikes.I hosted again ( plus the retarded admin said like : dunno i cant play now wtf ...

and then he bann me cuz i flamed him so ?>


11-10-2009, 05:57 PM
He isnt going to be unvouched since he's up the admins asses and if you question his ability as a host - U GET UNVOUCHED.

Take care.

11-10-2009, 06:00 PM
!support,since i would have been a observer in that game i can agree on the situation...

11-10-2009, 06:02 PM
really u are not captain and u say u host before i cl kircho as always say him again im host....manners for u in all chat fair unvouch !dont stack with your friends and say that u like to do see logs first....and this guy is is racist 2 but im not arabian..S
+kircho> by guy
<+kircho> who hasnt even a single game here
<+sWinEfLu> ye
<+sWinEfLu> im new to dota
<+Bad_Boy_killa> kircho cl me and u?
<+kircho> y go
<+Bad_Boy_killa> ok i will cl u but im host
<+kircho> y gogo
hf guys really think before u post something <+downfall---> hey
<+downfall---> u arabian
<+downfall---> boy
<+downfall---> join me

11-10-2009, 06:06 PM
What a pathetic attempt at saving your own sorry ass.

that remark wasnt race discriminating at all.

11-10-2009, 06:10 PM
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> im host
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> kircho
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> if u want
[16:59] <+sWinEfLu> downfall
[16:59] <+kircho> no downfall is host :D
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> to play
[16:59] <+sWinEfLu> is better host for all
[16:59] <+sWinEfLu> ....
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> join me
[16:59] <+Bad_Boy_killa> or go draw

[17:01] <+Bad_Boy_killa> kids
[17:01] <+exthaaasy> i have high ping to your host killa
[17:01] <+sWinEfLu> as do i
[17:01] <+Bad_Boy_killa> im europe
[17:01] <+exthaaasy> and better ping to downfall
[17:01] <+Bad_Boy_killa> host
[17:01] <+Bad_Boy_killa> dont care

[17:02] <+Bad_Boy_killa> Niko close this game

You wanted to start copy pastingfine by me:)

11-10-2009, 06:11 PM
oh now i understand what happens

the admin ex3 is fr with bbk , thats the reason i got unvouched

ye np

11-10-2009, 06:24 PM
Setera ty this is my point your leader say ok on me host..i say im host to him he agree is over u have play in my host many times even my last sg u sign and i say im host!!!ty

Bad_Boy_killa> .listplayers
* @P2-BOT 03Bad_Boy_killa[Sickening], makea1[Beginner], HazarD^^^[Beginner], Setera[Lousy], a1a|Nagato[Lousy], Deathakos[Inefficient] have already signed in. [4 slots remaining]

11-10-2009, 06:27 PM
i close the game coz we had 250 ms all!!!!!!!!!...so it is not my fault,topic closed!nothing more..

unvouch for bad host?hahahaha onyl for laughs