View Full Version : [SOLVED] Users Abuse : tsantaris1 , Yamate.H

07-11-2012, 04:14 PM
Accused Battle.Net account: to troll thn mirana kai thn spec
Your battlet.net Account: iloveasiangirls
Game name: ap1629
Abused rule: map hack manners
Time of event:
Further details:
43:28 [Allies] FarmarwPolu: GAMOMANO
42:39 [Allies] Tsantaris1: skase gamw thn mana s
1:37 |cFFFFFF00Yamate.H|r clicked Queen of Pain

07-11-2012, 07:25 PM
[Eleos]: [FarmarwPolu] was banned by [DA-HB-01] on 2012-11-07 (AP3239) because: [[AUTOBAN] leaver] [PERMANENT]

Tsantaris1 banned for Bad Manners

Yamate.H Banned for Maphack

Abuse Solved
Topic Closed