View Full Version : whole team mh...and proud

14-02-2014, 08:53 AM
user : †Mussolini†

reported users : (C-hUpAmEl-A) - WrathGod.AdigA - vitmakt - WrathAngel.Art - WerZila

room : (EU) public

replay :http://rankedgamingparser.com/view_replay.php?file=1392360108.w3g

description : whole team maphack...and they admit it 2..
huskar : admits having maphack said that maphack is only not allowed when we say at the begining of the game. he kept following legiion woods...without searching...straight to him...with no wards...and he readys armlet and fire before he sees him.
yurnero : i was hiding in forest..waiting for my team so we can gank...i wasnt visible on map...all the time fog...then trax and mirana and yurnero went behind the trees where i was invisible to gank me. plus he admits beeing a maphacker and doesnt care if he gets banned cz he says he's in cyber cafe. and he claims to be some unbanable big shit.
pudge: fog hooks

time stamps : min 16-min 18-min 20-min 21- min 22-min 24....and a whole lot more.

thank you.

14-02-2014, 09:13 AM
some more details : " vitmakt: mh is only bannable if they say at start no mh "

pudge fog hooked riki min 20:40 with no eyes or vision...while yurnero and mirana where on there way to gank him 2.

(27:21) WrathGod.AdigA: I will
(27:23) WrathGod.AdigA: unlock it
(27:24) WrathGod.AdigA: in 1 hour
(29:12) WrathGod.AdigA: I didnt say unban
(29:15) WrathGod.AdigA: but unlock
(29:16) WrathGod.AdigA: ^^
(29:28) WrathGod.AdigA: ban account?
(29:32) WrathGod.AdigA: not a big deal, change account
(29:34) WrathGod.AdigA: ban pc?

WrathAngel.Art: u do not who the fuck we are

and sorry for the orientation of this thread...thanks again

15-02-2014, 07:10 PM
Nothing suspicious...!!!

15-02-2014, 08:45 PM
Thread closed.