View Full Version : League system

26-01-2010, 07:23 PM
I see there are already 2 leagues here Dpl and InF i am vouched in both but hardly there are games there, so mainly the so called "inhouses" are played in Dr.Community, so my question is :

-Is there any possibility in 1 or 2 of the leagues or in Dr.Comm(which i doubt can work because dr.comm mainly needs manners for vouch not skill) u insert a bot, like in a lot of mid/high skilled leagues...you know with captains and the picking mode 1/2/2/2/1 and some ranking system?

-My question is is it possible not PLS MAKE IT ROGERS!!!!! , maybe not now but infuture....because game lvl here sometimes can be very good, so it would work....and yes i play a lot of games here, and they are fun and some of them very good skill but still i think with ranking system would me more intresting and btw it would help the leagues to become active, cause i never seen league without league system , stats and so....i found that the main problem for inactivity of both leagues.

Its just a suggestion, you may discuss it here :).

26-01-2010, 07:43 PM
Afaik, or at least what I've heard some time ago is that DPL are working on some sort of ranking system - exp/lvl'ish kind.

26-01-2010, 07:44 PM
It WOULD be nice for the better players to have the challenge system. Certain people are given captains and once the challenge is accepted we could set a player limit of singed players, maybe even unlimited, until the captains decide to close the sign-up, once it's over and the pick phase starts, people who are signed would receive a certain letter (for example C) which would show them as candidates for the game and finally choose your team by picking 1-2-2-2-2-1

However, i think this would have some negative effects on RGC. Such as mass spam in channels, people getting offended when they're not picked, starting ego-fights between each other etc. To sum it up - it MIGHT cause hostility between players.

I'd like to have this in my channel in the future, though, if it isn't a lot of work to code it for Rogers ;)

26-01-2010, 10:36 PM
you mean a personalized signup system?

like i would write

!Start Flutschgame

then, othes would write !join Flutschgame , and i can choose 9 of them to actually play with?

Interesting idea..

26-01-2010, 11:10 PM
Well, something like that. But i meant players with captain positions would challenge other captains and once enough people have signed they'd pick whom they want.

Awsm: !challenge LightInTheHead
LightInTheHead: !accept
x: !sign
y: !sign
i: !sign

LightInTheHead: !confirm
Awsm: !confirm

And then, once the sign up is closed, you pick players from the pool.

26-01-2010, 11:13 PM
Oh, also very nice idea..!

27-01-2010, 01:50 PM
So basically we're just talking about the pdc-league system ;) (maybe others as well :P)

27-01-2010, 02:18 PM
We used this system somewhere else, but anyone with some common sense can come up with it, it wouldn't be 'copying'.

27-01-2010, 02:34 PM
that what u talking about is challenge...and most of leagues have it...thats good thing for leagues but sometimes not cuz if 10ppl signed all the time some players wont be picked and wont be able to show their skill ( will be unvouched cuz of inactivity, not playing games )
so there must be 2nd rule for it to pick 1st 6 signed ppl at pool and thats noot good too sometimes...
At one hand its good suggestion but at other one it isnt... just my opinion

Regards, ZeuS

31-01-2010, 02:05 PM
if you need some commands just send me pm there is a list of commands..
Guard Commands.

***Level 4
!say <text> send <text> to battle.net as a chat command
!channel <name> change battle.net channel

***Level 3
!lvl <name> <0|1|2|3|4> increase or decrease users level
!topic <message> change channels topic
!ban <name> [reason] bans user from joining games
!banfor <time> <name> <reason> bans user from joining games for duration of <time>
!unban <name> remove a ban from the database
!countbans display the total number of bans
!kick <name> kicks player from channel

***Level 2
!challange [name] challange everyone from channel, optionally add [name] to challange a player
!startpick start picking players when there are minimum 8 players in the challange pool
!pick [name] pick a player from the challange pool
!accept accepts a challange

Level 1
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player
!sign reserve slot for a game or join challange pool
!pool show signed players
!checkban [name] check if a user is banned from joining games
!lvl check users lvl
!info alias to !lvl