View Full Version : Ban Request : MarlboroLight

24-02-2010, 02:07 PM
Replay : I don't have any, I forgot to put my wc3 to autosave since I formatted 2 days ago.
Requested Player Name : MarlboroLight
Reason why he deserves to lose admin rights/a ban :

Had a game last night. Marlboro was Ursa. After about 20 minutes Ursa has boots, a belt of giant strength and a quelling blade. I tell him " nice farm ursa ".

MarlboroLight goes hulk mode and starts flaming/complaining : vaurk where I can farm ? where can I get items ? I die all the time, where farm ? all lanes pushed ??? ( ever heard of ursa in woods ? ) I'm sick of your comments all game. blablabla QQ

He is probably angry that I got him unvouched on InF because he is a lowskilled player and doesn't deserve a vouch anywhere but dr.com.

He unvouched me yesterday night from dr.ih but flutschi revouched me saying to marl he needs a reason. This morning I log on RGC and I am unvouched from dr.com and dr.inhouse.

What happened Marl, I made you sleep bad at night for saying nice farm on ursa ?

I only have this screen I took :


Conclusion : Dota Rank needs to stop inviting immature 16 year-old kids and give them admin rights.

I suggest you remove this kiddo Marl's admin rights and revouch me on dr.com and dr.inhouse. I don't see why someone would stay admin if he abuses his power.

ps : sorry didn't host in imageshack it was bugged when i tried ;)

24-02-2010, 03:00 PM
Oh Vaurk u made an ban request ,gj rly ,Im not finding worhty to chit/chat with u here so ill just state that game doesnt have material for unvouching u or so(but i never flamed u ,and thats a one big lie) ,but as i said mulitple times u cross the lane (4 my concern) with ur provoking/blaming all the fucking time when i catch u ingame ,im not finding u mannered nuff for dotarank and thats my botom lane,and dude 16-years-old kiddo ?! Cmon i have my own depertment at my real-life-job which im running,but im agree with bout that 16 years-kidos cant run admins/staff..Flutschi (as far i know) didnt vouch u back ,comands were just messed up so u was able to join again..

p.s. Sry 4 not being super-pro-omfg-player as u expected but i hope u will find that type of players at inf/dpl or so ,hf vaurk..

24-02-2010, 03:47 PM
I did not vouch you into inhouse again. The vouching thingy was buggy so we couldnt unvouch you.

And the point of Inhouse is to have a skilled AND mannered channel, where ppl from our community can meet when they want a rather more skilled game.

We dont want uberpros in there, we dont have the same high level then other leagues (thats why we are still a community) but we want also manners to count.

24-02-2010, 05:10 PM
you're a fucking joke

I never flamed you and was never unmannered in that game.

All I did was saying to you " nice items ursa " @ 20 minutes mark

It's not my problem if you take it seriously and cry about it all game.

It's not the first time you fail big time, remember that game where you were axe with 1 kill 1 assist when our team had over 20kills ?

Are we supposed to SHUT UP in dota rank ? is that the rule ? any comment is regarded as "flame" specially in DR. What do you expect, want me to praise an ursa with no items no rosh at 20 minutes ?

You could simply tell me that saying " ursa nice farm " is considered as flame in dotarank, in such case I will not ask for a revouch since I share a different definition of flaming.

24-02-2010, 05:31 PM
Missed the point , read my post pls...and stop with crying u are provoking me from the fist time i saw u on client ,and if u mange to done that im unvouched from inf GJ,i didnt protest at all ,i rly dont care , but at the 2nd hand u are protesting now only coz u are unvouched ,for my concern u lack of manneres ,get it ,and u will be granted 2nd chance..nuff said


24-02-2010, 05:36 PM
gid 33913
The first comment Vaurk directs at marl is indeed:
[21:44] [Sentinel] Vaurk: nice farm ursa

Then, including the whole conversation:
[22:45] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: vaurk srlsly u have some problem with me ?
[22:50] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: what can i do 1st ?
[22:53] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: vs pugna
[22:54] [Sentinel] Vaurk: farm all game
[22:59] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: then we are owned
[23:03] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: famr all game ?
[23:06] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: what does that mean ?
[23:35] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: tell me pls famr where ?
[23:39] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: all lanes pushed
[23:41] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: so ?
[24:03] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: vaurk im w8ing u to say me
[24:12] [Sentinel] Vaurk: i wont bother dont worry
[24:18] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: k
[24:44] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: i wont bother also unvouching ur ass
[24:48] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: from dr comu ih
[24:51] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: for all time
[25:01] [Sentinel] Vaurk: cuz i told u nice farm? nice
[25:05] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: yes
[25:07] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: coz of that
[25:09] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: ill just
[25:10] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: abuse
[25:12] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: my powers
[25:35] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: im sick of ur coments
[25:39] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: durning whole games
[25:41] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: we played
[25:44] [Sentinel] incisorr: lol
[25:50] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: what is lol dude ?
[25:55] [Sentinel] Vaurk: ur item is lol
[25:56] [Sentinel] incisorr: its lol cuz ur making up some silly reason
[26:02] [Sentinel] MarlboroLight: ok
[26:04] [Sentinel] incisorr: not like its vaurk's fault
[26:26] [Sentinel] Vaurk: u go treads first what about vlads

That's it. I don't see any reason to unvouch here.
(btw a Quelling Blade on Ursa is an utter waste of money, as it is overriden by his orb effect...)

24-02-2010, 06:23 PM
for my concern u lack of manneres ,get it ,and u will be granted 2nd chance..nuff said

read the proof spasmolyt posted then tell me where did I lack manners

" nuff said "


ps : (btw a Quelling Blade on Ursa is an utter waste of money, as it is overriden by his orb effect...)


24-02-2010, 06:57 PM
It seems no1 read my posts at all , i said that there is no reason for unvouch in that game.ill quote myslef ''that game doesnt have material for unvouch'' overe and out, that was just 1 little thing which he is doing all the time (towards me)ill reapteat that also 1 more time provoking/blaming/harrasing .....pls just get glasses and read carefuly what i wrote ...

24-02-2010, 07:09 PM
I check this game and dont see reason why marl deserves ban... So i vote for denied and close this.

25-02-2010, 09:53 AM

i know i am not supposed to post here (cuz im just a little player on dr).
But i have to say that marl is one of the few players with really good manners. Never saw him blame anyone in game even in tensed situation or if someone fails a lot (me for example). Moreover he tried to solve trouble between other players many times.
Maybe he reacted a bit too harsh this time. This happens to every human being sometimes. And none can play good every game, so there must be a really bad fail game for everyone - wouldnt it be boring otherwise?


25-02-2010, 10:40 AM
We dont want uberpros in there, we dont have the same high level then other leagues (thats why we are still a community) but we want also manners to count.


If I struggle in a game and am underfarmed, fed my opponent because of them permaganking me and I am supposed to carry my team into lategame, I for myself am not in the best mood and I know best what the problem is: Gold. So tell me, what sense does it make that some teammate - that is ranged, has two escape mechanisms and two nukes, one of which is also nice for farming (hi potm) - of me comments about my farm? Is it to provide constructive criticism? No, it is to be make fun of some1 else and be an asshole. Well, GJ, mission accomplished.
Obviously you were trying to get under Marls skin (as he claims) and you are doing so for a while, as he wouldn't have exploded otherwise. Saying that you got him unvouched from InF and that you generally consider him lowskilled really supports that thought.

Btw, low manners are not just about flaming. There are many more ways to be a prick than just flame somebody, but as you seem to have a massive experience in that regard I sure as hell don't need to explain it to you, do I?