View Full Version : Unban request

06-06-2010, 07:41 PM
I wanne banned for a while.
I have inproved my skilles.
Here is a replay from my last game.
Pls unban me!

06-06-2010, 11:42 PM
imo for this imba english skills... SHOULD BE UNBANNED ;)

07-06-2010, 01:05 AM

07-06-2010, 01:15 AM
i watched the start of replay, quite boring, picking bone >.<, not the best lasthit^^

btw, what did u play there?, bc there was ralderz playing too :D

best regards

07-06-2010, 03:35 PM
You dont watch the replay till end?

08-06-2010, 03:31 PM
The thing is it's not about farming a bone and having imba items. Its about teamplay, knowing when to stun, knowing when to gang, how to ward, when to get back, to carry tp's and when your supporting buying items once you have gold for them so if you do get killed the items will be at base etc . I will think about it and then come to a decision weather you will get the chance or not!

Also if you were to get the chance i would suggest you ask more skilled players how to play the hero you have when your in their team. Thats the main way i learned to play. I played with better people and did what they asked me to do. If people spam you for doing bad, don't spam them back just try to understand why they are spamming you because people always over-react when someone fucks up (including me ofc) And jsut ignore those people who spam when they die and just want to blame you to protect their reputation
You can write anything or even post a replay to help me move toward giving you that chance :)

08-06-2010, 08:34 PM
I can understand your explanation and i will do what you said.
All the time if i play dota, i wanne win with the team. My desire is not to getting fat and godlike.
I wanne just play fine games without famers and leavers.

08-06-2010, 11:56 PM
here is my last game,
We played only 20 min. because all leave but the gameplay is well.
Fucking pubs.

09-06-2010, 12:40 AM
here is my last game,
We played only 20 min. because all leave but the gameplay is well.
Fucking pubs.

From seeing this im impressed by some stuff but not by others.

1) good tp's
2) aggressive play-style with sk
3) some good positioning
Now the bad :(
1) some bad positioning/gangs (top lane, you should go around and come from behind with wd comin from the front)
2) Buying prese instead of dagger
3) No awareness of rune control and creep spawns.

For now its DENIED.
Keep on practicing, and try to get rid of the bad stuff while keeping the good and i will definitely accept your next request. You can re-apply in 10days. Main things i want to see is more awareness of the runes and creeps and no stupid items! Runes come every 2mins of the game. creeps fall asleep after first 5mins and wake and fall asleep every other 5mins! And trees that were destroyed grow back every 5mins also. Hope that will help you improve your play for next appeal!