View Full Version : What is a sync detection?

04-10-2010, 07:15 AM
I have seen a few times when during a game, it poped up some message of "sync dectection" and it always one guy who didn't pass the test and he got auto dropped from game.
My question is what is this "sync detection"? Is it anti maphack or what? And is there a command which can active this function manually?

04-10-2010, 11:51 AM
that normaly indicates that you have an other warcraft version than the host. if you get the error at the beginning i guiess you have 1.24c (1.24.2) and host 1.24e (1.24.4)

05-10-2010, 02:45 AM
When 1 player descyns from other 9(or 2 to 8 etc..) he sees something else, such as 2 players see trax die from tower and 8 see her survive, to avoid such things from happening when a desync occurs (from lag,hack etc) the player(s) will be disconnected.