View Full Version : SmoothMove

17-10-2010, 04:56 PM
Ban this weird hacker - tnx.

16 wins 17 loses stats - 7700 exp.
I joined a game - he was obs. He faked an rmk (dunno how) and everyone left.. and declared as plugger if game lasts 5 minutes.. Now Im alone and bot isnt shutting down. Whisped hans2 over 5 times (edit: over 30) but he didnt answerd.

Il send replay when this shit hacker give up and leave lol :D

Sry for bad english.

Btw its a very fucking stupid idea, we cant kick higher exp obs/they can pause the game.

17-10-2010, 05:27 PM
(15:29) February: Autolatency 187ms maxlag:1 maxlat:February(136ms) maxspike:February(26%)
(15:29) February: website and forum -> www.div-league.com gg&hf
(15:29) February: You can vote the MOST VALUABLE PLAYER with .mvp [1..10]
(15:29) February: February has left the game and will be declared as leaver or plugger when the game lasts 5min more

I h8 you fucking hans. Worthless moron. You reset my account cause i was a m8 of phoenix abuser and do nothing. There were no announce about "dont release phoenix or exp reset" and we did it when u were fucking obs to show u.

17-10-2010, 05:46 PM
After the game i joined another: thanks god scored as draw. reason: none.
Than i whispered smoothmove again.
He said he has a m8.
He said he did it again in another game -
Smoothmove: without you there he(Smoothmoves mate) got 1000 exp. (in a single game)

Well i have a screenshot but it is too small.

You can call me a kid/retard/nerd. okay.. but your league is full of such abusers and u wont stop them.

Again sry for my bad english.

18-10-2010, 12:59 AM
cant read ur screenshots

18-10-2010, 06:33 AM
I would send them to u if u spare me just 5 minutes. but no. You were too busy.

My screenshots have high-resolution but when i post it as attachment they are very small -.-

Just read chat log of replay, and you will notice. He fakes RMK with unknown programm > all leave and declared as leavers. His m8 abuse leavers after (dunno why bot is not shutting down) and get mass exp (About 1000 if SmoothMove didnt lie) But I didnt left and wanted to finish it. > Than Smoothmove being 7k exp observer paused a game for an hour and I gave up and left.

I was the only player in the game, but bot declared me as plugger too. (You can see it in chat log)

Than he wisps me: Haha I won. You lost 200 Exp instead Gaining 1000 bla bla bla.. Im happy bla bla..

I joined another > game was scored as draw reson: none (I think cause I was the only player and left too)

I whisp to SmoothMove again about his wasted time, but he said:

I did it again with m8 and he gained 1k exp in a single game(Leaver heros kill abuse/mega creeps/ etc.)

Now I understand how his account (SmoothMove) has 7k exp with 16 wins and 17 loses. (It is impossible because i had just 5k with 33-11)

Cool story -.-

Well. My suggest: Players must be more attentive reading chat.
Admin should make referee > obserser. To remove ability pausing the game.
Reset Exp of SmoothMove and the other people with low winrate+high exp. or change something in system.
Give back my 5200 EXP. I released phoenix just once and u were in the game, hans2. There were no anounce about "or exp reset" yet.. All my 40 games i played non-stealth heros and lost everything in 1 moment showing it to u.. Wanted to see your reaction and knew u were observer. (btw they ended this stupid game instantly after your leave) Account: IoTheWeirdBall

I can send you screenshots if u pm me.

18-10-2010, 11:35 AM
upload the screenshots to any image hoster

18-10-2010, 10:40 PM
i can read them strg + ftw

how about coding smth, that if someone gains exp in a unreasonable way get "frozen" and has to post replays (at least the last one as it is always autosaved) to prove that he somewho got it due to smth unexpected, and if he doesnt he cant play > acc gets taken out of ranking

its not easy to find them if they only use this shit now and then tough, maybe autodraw games with more than 6-7 ppl declared as leaver if there are only 3 people left there got to be smth wrong anyway