View Full Version : ElemenT_88 wanna a reset for maphack

23-11-2010, 05:53 PM
Ok for one time the MHer was in my team. A pity cause the game was close and the MHer made it unbalanced

Was a playall game, the guy was able (ES) to say where were runes but also what kind of runes it was....
When I asked him if he maphacks he stopped pinging and saying etc etc

Here is time table, there were no wards in game except few sentry I bought (Tiny) for gondar and weaver but these wards did not help him for guessing all this :

10'28 He said rune top
16'12 he said Regen Top
18'35 He asked for help saying 3 top while 2 of them were hidden in woods and there was no way to guess it
19'30 Ping ursa in woods
20'16 Ping storm
24'10 Ping several time ursa trying to escape
34'32 He said Haste rune
35'10 nice jump+stun on ursa wooding ... btw ursa complains about mh and he was right
38'40 he said where is regen rune.....

This guy was playing bad for someone who can see all map but he got something like +100 streak...
Reset the cheater and have a nice day

23-11-2010, 10:09 PM
stopped watching at 19 mins he even pinged every single one of the 3 in shadows ... it nearly hurts watching

24-11-2010, 02:59 PM
welcome to safelow

05-12-2010, 04:21 PM
Obviously map hack.Greatly punished

06-12-2010, 08:25 PM
did u notice that this thread is already done and old?
like the other 20 btw