View Full Version : Dissapeared all DIV games since update

21-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Hi, yesterday i wanted to play dota, warcraft updated and since than, i cant see any dota -DIV game in custom games. Anyone got some explanation or advise? thx

21-03-2009, 01:46 PM
yeah first of all Dotarank has nothing to do with -DIV .... doesnt suprise me they r gone, its cos of the new update. If the admins of DIV like what they do they will repair it , if not well Unlucky. U got option to play on dotarank or allstars :)

21-03-2009, 02:03 PM
ah, thx a lot for explanation :)

21-03-2009, 04:17 PM
Just visit us at channel Dotarank on Northrend and start playing arank which is much better anyway ;-)
Once you visit us in our channel , just ask somebody how to proceed.
Your welcome to ask me when you catch me there.

Btw I am not sure if you played Arank already, if yes, ignore this :D

I give you a rough idea how to start on arank.

Follow this steps to register your b-net account:

Look through this to avoid that you get banned:


22-03-2009, 01:56 PM
Fuck Div Games Go DotArank Games Instead :)

29-03-2009, 06:40 AM
Hi, yesterday i wanted to play dota, warcraft updated and since than, i cant see any dota -DIV game in custom games[/b]. Anyone got some explanation or advise? thx

Thnx god for this! :D :D