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    Default EDL Staff Rules and Commands

    Extreme Dota League Room Staff Mates...

    I Always believe that we need To have Professional Staff ... If we Want To Make Professional League...So All The Staff Members will Follow These Rules ( Head admins / Admins / Vouchers / Moderators ) No Exceptions ... Any Staff Member will Break Any of These Rules...Will Get Demote ATM Without Warns .

    1) You Have to Read EDL Rules Very Well and save it in Your mind and Use if Before any Action

    2) You Have To Follow These Ban Durations :

    ( Leaver/Lowskill/Feeder )
    ​ ​1st warn= 2 Days ​ ​/ 2nd warn = 5 Days / 3rd warn= 10 Days / 4th warn= UNVOUCH

    (Manners) 1st warn= ​ ​5 Hours / 2nd warn = 1 Day / 3rd warn= 2 Days / 4th warn= UNVOUCH

    Away From Keyboard(AFK) 3 Days / 5 days / 7 days .

    (Game Ruinner/FeedonPurpose) 5 Days

    (Bugs Abuser) 3 Days

    (Spam) 1st warn=30m / 2nd Warn = 1h / 3rd Warn = 12h

    (Map Hack) UNVOUCH .

    [ How To Ban] :

    !timeban [User Name] [Reason] [Request/Replay Link] [# of ​ ​Warning]

    3) Never unvouch a player, only if he has received his 4th and last warning !

    4) Never !timeunban a player banned from another staff without consultant !

    5) Any timeban or unvouch without a link/good reason will be considered as ABUSE !

    [Most Important Rules]

    6) EDL.Staff means team spirit, working together, playing together, joking together !

    7) Ranks will be Given on the Hard Work you do for the Channel And The ​FORUM.

    Last edited by S!R^_-BuTche[R]; 08-01-2012 at 05:21 AM.
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    Extreme Dota Leauge Room

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