• Every admin who is in game should not detract commands
where another admin of the game has imposed to a user
Generally in the case where a game there is more than one
admin then there should be cooperation between these
and caution and prudence in the use of commands.
The above ceases to apply if it is game that is "locked".
• When there is staff in the game then the admin should not in any way negate
a command given by the staff.
If you have a complain and believe that he has made a mistake then you can make abuse
in the appropriate section in our forum.
The admin has to obey a command that will likely need to give if
it is requested by a staff member and the responsibility is solely the individual staff.
It is advisable to frequently informed about the group is the staff that
be appropriate at the beginning of concertation game,
in the sense that it can give you a free example
manipulate your own team if you are on opposing teams.
•Do not hold the lobby for some time (minutes), with closed slots!
•Kick in the lobby is allowed only if
someone has entered the game, he came last and he
creates a problem for (alone or with someone his mate)
the formation of teams and the game does not start because of him / her.
•Any admin who called to say his opinion in an unban request
of a user who became banned and ignore that fact,
will always accept sanctions, elastic or not.
•If you ban for wisper in the game in case of a potential abuse
that become against you,you should then need to have the replay and at least one
screenshot to justify your act.
Otherwise, you will receive penalties.
If you ban for wisper outside the game
as example in a channel,you should
keep in mind that this means automatically your demote
for prohibiting something.
•The admin Warns are barred after a certain time
and expire,but getting the biography of the admin worst.
To demote corresponds to the 3 level warn.
The 1 lvl warn has time limitation 2 months.
The 2 lvl warn have time limitation, 4 months.
•These penalties will vary according to the occasion
as well as the history of each admin.
Sample sentences for this reason can not be defined,
and admins simply have to operate on their judgment
for the best possible outcome of the game in
who attend and to know well the rules of the
channel by applying them always!
Translated by Dota)Mirage