- Accused User Account: ZeUs-iN-LoVe / res.star
- Game Name: AP***
- Offence of User:Leavers
- Describe what happened and in which minute it took place:
PHP Code:
12:18 [All] MonkeyDonkey (Tuskarr): ZeUs-iN-LoVe has left the game voluntarily.
12:18 ZeUs-iN-LoVe (Gondar) (0-5) has left the game.
.PHP Code:
19:52 [All] MonkeyDonkey (Tuskarr): res.star has left the game voluntarily.
19:52 res.star (Clinkz) (0-5) has left the game
I am not sure, if it is in House Hostbots, but i found the game in /j clan UDL