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  1. #1
    Rank: Aristocrat
    • Join Date: Jul 2012
    • Posts: 1,065

    Default SubClass/Fortress Guide

    Subclass Certification Guide

    Βλεπετε σε μερικους σερβερ πχ,να βαρατε εναν αλλον και να εχει celestial
    τοτε εδω θα μαθετε πως μπορειτε να το κανετε και εσεις..

    Βασικα του Certification

    Πρωτα,πρεπει να κανετε ενα subclass,και να το ανεβασετε τουλαχιστον ως τα 75 level

    Μπορειτε να μαθετε εως και 4 skills απο καθε subclass σας,το καθενα στα ακολουθα level
    -Level 65 – 1st Emergent Ability certificate
    -Level 70 – 2nd Emergent Ability certificate
    - Level 75 – choose between Class-Specific Ability or Master Ability certificate (can’t take both at once for the same subclass)
    -Level 80 – Divine Transformation Ability sealbook
    Για καθε skill,πηγαινετε στον class master,γυρνατε στο sub-class,πατατε subclass/certification και παιρνετε τα αναλογα βιβλια

    Mετα,πηγαινετε στην Avant Garde στο ivory,και τα μαθενετε(με το main class)

    Μετα θα ειναι καπως ετσι στα passive

    Αλλαζοντας τα subclass

    Aν κανετε delete ενα sub-class,τα skills μενουν
    αν ομως,δεν βγαλετε αυτα τα skills,δεν μπορειτε να μαθετε τα νεα skills απο το καινουριο subclass
    Δεν επιλεγετε ποια θα βγαλετε.Ή ολα η κανενα
    Κατηγοριες για τα Subclass Certificates

    • Warrior: Warlord, Gladiator, Destroyer, Tyrant, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith, Berserker, Soul Breaker (Male), Soul Breaker (Female)
    • Rogue: Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Arbalester, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker
    • Knight:Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight
    • Summoner: Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner
    • Wizard: Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler
    • Healer: Bishop, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder
    • Enchanter: Prophet, Swordsinger, Bladedancer, Warcryer, Overlord, Inspector (Male), Inspector (Female)

    αυτα παιζουν ρολο,στα Transformation και Class specific skills,αλλα οχι στα emergent/master

    Certification skills

    Emergent skills

    Αυτα τα skill,μπορεις να τα μαθεις απο οτι subclass και να εισαι
    ειναι αυτα που παιρνεις απο τα 65-70 level
    Αυτα τα skills,stackaroyn,και μπορουν να πανε εως LEVEL 6

    Master Abilities

    Tα Master Abilities,μπορεις να τα μαθεις στα 75 level,οπου αντι για class specific μπορεις να παρεις αυτα
    Μπορουν να stackaroyn εως 3 level(μερικα απο αυτα)

    Class Specific Abilities

    Αυτα τα skills,δεν stackaroyn,μπορεις να τα μαθεις μονο 1 level
    καθε skill μαθενεται απο διαφορετικα subclass
    Warrior Class

    (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soul Breaker, Berserker)

    Rogue Class

    (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

    Knight Class

    (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

    Summoner Class

    (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

    Wizard Class

    (Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)

    Healer Class

    (Shillien Elder, Elven Elder, Bishop)

    Enchanter Class

    (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Swordsinger, Bladedancer)

    Divine Transformations

    Aν εισαι 80 level στο subclass σου,μπορεις να πας και να μαθεις ενα transformation(οπως με τα skills)
    Oσο εισαι σε transformation δεν μπορεις να κανεις τα κανονικα σου skill
    Γενικα για τα transformations

    To casting time των transformation ειναι 2.5 δευτερολεπτα
    Κρατανε συνολικα 30 λεπτα
    και εχουν 3 ωρες cooldown
    Ολα τα transformation εχουν sacrifice skill

    (ενα skill,που παει το hp/mp σου 0 για καποια χρονικη περιοδο,και δεν μπορεις να παρεις heal)
    Αυτο μπορει να γινει οταν εχεις
    -Fighter-type subclasses - 30% or lower HP
    -Mystic-type subclasses - 10% or lower MP.
    Μπορεις να ανεβασεις level το transformation σου,οπως και με τα emergent skills,κανοντας το πιο δυνατο.Πρεπει να εχεις ιδιο τυπο subclass

    Συγκεκριμενα τωρα:


    Το fortress ειναι και σαν καστρο,που χρησιμευει στις clan ως clan hall.
    Μια clan μπορει να παρει ενα fortress μεσω των Fortress siege!
    Τα fortress διαφερουν μεταξυ τους,και αλλα ειναι μεγαλα και αλλα μικρα
    Σε καθε terittory ,υπαρχουν 1-2 fortress
    Μπορεις να δεις ολα τα fortress που υπαρχουν στο world map

    (Info,μπορεις να δεις ποιες clan το εχουν,ονομα fortress,περιοχη,ποτε το πηραν κτλπ)

    Βασικα πραγματα για το fortress

    Οπως και τα clan hall,ενα fortress χρησιμευει ως καταφυγιο της clan
    Μια clan που εχει fortress,μπορει να δηλωσει σε siege/fortress siege,και να νικησει σε αυτα
    Ομως,μπορεις να εχεις castle ή fortress,οχι και τα 2
    Βεβαια μπορεις να εχεις και clan hall ταυτοχρονα

    Tα Fortress Siege μοιαζουν αρκετα με τα Castle Siege.
    Αυτοι που συμμετεχουν,χωριζονται σε 3 group:Attackers φιλικοι/Defenders/Attackers
    Για τους attackers και τους clan member/alliance τους ειναι μερος του Φιλικου Attacker Party
    Ολοι οι αλλοι,φαινονται απλα σαν attackers.
    Μολις ξεκινησει το siege,oi defenders εχουν μια ασπιδα απο πανω τους,ενω οι attackers ενα σπαθι
    Μες το siege,οπως και στο castle siege,βαρας χωρις control,και δεν μπορεις να βαρεσεις το alliance σου
    To fortress siege κραταει 1 ωρα,και μπορει να γινει καθε 4 ωρες
    Μολις η ΣΗΜΑΙΑ παει στο σημειο που πρεπει,το siege τελειωνει
    Το Fortress siege ξεκιναει 60 λεπτα αφοτου η πρωτη clan δηλωνει attacker
    Fortress Siege Registration

    To registration ειναι σχεδον ιδιο με του castle siege.

    Η clan πρεπει να ειναι 4 level ή παραπανω,και δηλωνει συμμετοχη στο NPC εξω απο το fortress
    Η πρωτη clan που δηλωνει attacker,πρεπει να πληρωσει 250κ adena.Μετα ολες οι αλλες δηλωνουν free
    Μολις πληρωθει αυτο το ποσο,ολες οι αλλες clan εχουν 50 λεπτα για να δηλωσουν
    Μπορεις να ακυρωσεις το registration στο siege,μεσα σε αυτα τα 50 λεπτα
    Μολις περασουν αυτα τα 50 λεπτα,το NPC που δηλωνεις εξαφανιζεται,και μετα απο 10 λεπτα το siege ξεκιναει
    Μολις ξεκινησει το siege,οσοι ειναι member τις clan που το εχουν,θα μπουν ως defenders
    Αρχη του siege

    Μολις το siege ξεκινησει,η περιοχη γυρω απο το fortress θα γινει siege zone
    Καθε clan μπορει να βαλει μια σημαια(headquarter)
    Μολις ξεκινησει το siege,κλεινουν οι πορτες και μπαινουν τα NPC defender
    Μεσα υπαρχουν 3-5 NPC camps
    Αυτα τα camps εχουν μεσα fficer’s Barracks, Control Room, Archer Unit, Guard Camp and Support Unit
    Τα command baracks ειναι στο κεντρο καθε camp.

    Μολις πεσει το 1ο camp,πρεπει να πεσουν και ολα τα υπολοιπα μεσα σε 10 λεπτα,αλλιως ξαναβγαινουν.
    Αν πεσουν ολα μεσα στον απαραιτητο χρονο,η πορτα για το Command Baracks θα ανοιξει και θα εμφανιστουν οι σημαιες
    Ο Mercenary Captain πρεπει να ζησει μεχρι να παρθουν ολα τα camps
    Τοτε, βγαινουν οι σημαιες.
    Ολοι οι παιχτες μπορουν να παρουν τις σημαιες και οταν πεθανουν αυτες γυριζουν πισω στην θεση τους
    Μολις παρουν τις σημαιες,τα stats τους θα πεσουν αρκετα
    Αλλα παιρνουν και ενα skill,που μπορουν να βαλουν την σημαια στο απαραιτητο σημειο(πανω στο Command camp)
    Οταν μια clan βαλει την σημαια εκει πανω,κερδιζει το siege,και μπορει να παρεi το fortress
    Μολις ζητησει το fortress,ενα SPecial Envoy απο το Castle θα εμφανιστει στο Command Camp.

    Control Room

    Εκτος απο τον τροπο με τις σημαιες,μπορεις να παρεις ενα fortress 'σκοτονωντας' το Control room
    σε ενα μεγαλο fortress,πρεπει να κλεισεις το control room,να σκοτωσεις ολους τους Barack Captains kai να βαλεις την σημαια
    • Fortress Features
    • Recovery
    • Teleport
    • Buffs
    • Clan Warehouse

    Items οπως:
    • Shirts
    • Tallismans
    • Braceletes

    μπορουν να αγοραστουν απο το NPC που εχει μεσα
    Επισης οι clans μπορουν να μπουν στα fortress dungeons!

    Fortress Prison(Instanced Dungeon)

    Για να μπεις εκει,πρεπει καθε μελος του ΠΑΡΤΥ να εχει το quest για αυτο(Fortress dungeon)
    Στο Fortress dungeon μπορει να μπει ενα party με τουλαχιστον 2 members
    H αιτηση για να μπεις,πρεπει να γινει απο τον leader του party
    O leader του party πρεπει να ειναι μελος της clan που εχει το fortress
    Στο fortress dungeon μπορεις να μπεις καθε 4 ωρες,και ποτε πανω απο 1 party ταυτοχρονα
    Αν ενας παιχτης κανει restart μεσα σε αυτο,θα βγει το entrance NPC
    Ta raid boss εκει μεσα,θα εξαφανιστουν αν δεν χτυπηθουν απο παιχτες για 10 λεπτα
    Οταν το Fortress Dungeon Raid Boss πεσει,το party θα λαβει ενα Dungeon Leader Mark item που μπορει να γινει trade για ενα Knight’s Epaulettes.

    Οταν μια clan παιρνει ενα fortress,παιρνει 100 CRP
    Οταν χανει το fortress,δεν χανει καθολου
    Μπορεις να παρεις BLOOD OATH απο το fortress
    Μπορεις να παρεις Knight's Epaulettes απο το defender/commander npc
    Ειδικα skill

    Οταν μια clan παιρνει ενα fortress,ολα τα MEMBER παιρνουν καποια ειδικα clan skill
    Οταν το χανει,χανονται και τα skills

    Aaru Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Max MP, MP Regeneration
    Town Teleports: Giran, Heine
    Other Ports: Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon, Garden of Eva, Center of Alligator Island
    Antharas’ Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Matk, Advanced Shield
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:

    Archaic Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Resist Sleep
    Town Teleports: Schuttgart
    Other Ports: Crypts of Disgrace, Plunderous Plains, Den of Evil, Frozen Labyrinth
    Bayou Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Might, Matk
    Town Teleports: Aden
    Other Ports: Ancient Battlegrounds, Blazing Swamp, Enchanted Valley North & South
    Borderland Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Clan Luck, Max CP
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Cloud Mountain Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Clan Luck,Fortitude (resistance to stun attacks increases by 10)
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Demon Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Max CP, CP Regeneration
    Town Teleports: Goddard, Rune
    Other Ports: Wall of Argos, Forge of the Gods Entrance, Swamp of Screams, Vally of Saints
    Dragonspine Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: MDef, Resist Water/Wind
    Town Teleports: Dion, Oren
    Other Ports: Ant Nest, Windawood Manor, Sea of Spores, Ancient Battlegrounds

    Floran Fortress - Large Border Fortress

    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Hive Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Evasion, Resist Fire/Earth
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Hunter’s Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Evasion, PAtk
    Town Teleports: Aden, Giran
    Other Ports: Enchanted Valley North, Blazing Swamp, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon

    Ivory Fortress - Small Territory Fortress

    Skills: CP Regeneration, Resist Hold
    Town Teleports: Oren
    Other Ports: Sea of Spores, Ancient Battlegrounds, Enchanted Valley North & South
    Monastic Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, HP Regeneration
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Narsell Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Resist Sleep
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Shanty Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Advanced Block
    Town Teleports: Gludio
    Other Ports: Runes of Agony, Runes of Despair, Ant Nest, Windawood Manor
    Southern Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Resist Wind/Water, Advanced Block
    Town Teleports: Gludio
    Other Ports: Ruins of Agony & Despair, Ant Nest, Windawood Manor
    Swamp Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Guidance, PDef
    Town Teleports: Rune
    Other Ports: Vallay of Saints, Swamp of Screams, Forrest of the Dead, WildBeast Pastures
    Tanor Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Movement, Resist Fire & Earth
    Town Teleports: Giran, Dion
    Other Ports: Ant Nest, Windawood Manor, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon
    Valley Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: MP Regeneration, Resist Stun
    Town Teleports: Giran
    Other Ports: Devils Isle, Breka Stronghold, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon

    Western Fortress - Large Border Fortress

    Skills: Clan Luck, PDef, Advanced Shield
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    White Sands Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max MP, MDef
    Town Teleports: Heine
    Other Ports: Fields of Silence (West) & Whispers (East), Center of Alligator Island, Inside Garden of Eva


  2. #2
    Rank: Unban Request Manager
    • Join Date: Aug 2012
    • Posts: 2,009



    You see in many server when hitting someone that he has celestial
    So in this guide you will learn how to do this...

    Basics of Certification

    First of all you need to create a subclass and reach at least 75 lvl.

    Your can lern at max. 4 skills from every subclass, each on the following lvls
    -Level 65 – 1st Emergent Ability certificate
    -Level 70 – 2nd Emergent Ability certificate
    -Level 75 – choose between Class-Specific Ability or Master Ability certificate (can’t take both at once for the same subclass)
    -Level 80 – Divine Transformation Ability sealbook

    For every skill go to class master, then to sub-class window, press subclass/certification and take the acording books

    Then go to Avand Grade in ivory and learn them(with the main class)

    And then passives will be so

    Changing the Subclass

    If you delete a subclass, the skills will stay
    but if, you don't disselect the skills, you can't learn new ones.
    There is no choise. All or nothing.
    Categorizes for Subclass / Certificates

    • Warrior: Warlord, Gladiator, Destroyer, Tyrant, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith, Berserker, Soul Breaker (Male), Soul Breaker (Female)
    • Rogue: Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Arbalester, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker
    • Knight: Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight
    • Summoner: Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner
    • Wizard: Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler
    • Healer: Bishop, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder

    those will play a role in Transformations and Class specific skills, but not in the emergent/master

    Certification Skills

    Emergent skills
    You can learn those skills in every class you are and you take them on 65-70 lvl
    Those skills stack and can reach lvl 6

    Master Abilities

    Master Abilities can be learned on lvl 75 and you can choose them instead of the class specific something that i not suggest!
    Some of them can stack till lvl 3

    Class Specific Abilities
    Those skills doesn't stack and reach only lvl 1.
    Every skill is from different subclasses
    Warrior Class

    (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soul Breaker, Berserker)

    Rogue Class
    (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

    Knight Class

    (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

    Summoner Class

    (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

    Wizard Class

    (Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)

    Healer Class

    (Shillien Elder, Elven Elder, Bishop)

    Enchanter Class

    (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Swordsinger, Bladedancer)

    Divine Transformations
    If you are in lvl 80 in your subclass, then you can go to learn a transformation (like skills)
    As long as you're in transformation you can't use your normal skills

    General Transformations

    Casting time of tranfsormations is 2.5 secs
    They are active for 30 mins
    With 3 hours cooldown

    All transformations have a secrifice skill

    (it's a skill that lowers your hp to 0 for a certain time and you can't get heal)
    This can be done when you have
    -Fighter-type subclasses - 30% or lower HP
    -Mystic-type subclasses - 10% or lower MP.
    You can levelup your transformation, like emergent skills to make the spell powerfull. You need to have the same type of subclass.


    Fortress is a like-castle building that is used from a clan as Clan-Hall

    A clan can take a fortress throught Fortress Siege!

    Fortresses are different

    There are 2-3 Fortresses in every Tirettory
    You can see all the Fortresses in the world map

    Basics for Fortress
    As the clan hall, a fortress serves as shelter clan
    A clan that has fortress, may declare a siege / fortress siege, and win in them
    However, it can have castle or fortress, and no 2
    Sure you have and clan hall simultaneously

    The Fortress Siege resembles the Castle Siege.
    Those involved, divided into 3 groups: Attackers FRIENDLY / Defenders / Attackers
    For the attackers and their clan member / alliance is part of friendly Attacker Party
    Everyone else, it just looks like attackers

    • Just start the siege, defenders have a shield over them, while the attackers a sword
    • Inside the siege, and as the castle siege, pounding without control, and can not hit in your alliance
    • To fortress siege Lingers 1 hour and can be done every 4 hours
    • Once the flag go to point to the siege ends
    • The Fortress siege BEGINS 60 minutes after the first clan declares attacker

    Fortress Siege registeration

    This registeration is almost same with castle siege's

    -The clan must be 4 level or above, and signs up to the NPC outside of the fortress
    -The first clan declared attacker, must pay 250K adena.After that all the others state free
    -As soon this amount, all other clan have 50 minutes to register
    -You can cancel your registration at the siege, within these 50 minutes
    -Just spend these 50 minutes, the NPC declared disappears, and after 10 minutes the siege BEGINS
    -Just start the siege, those who are member of the clan who have it will get as defenders
    Start of siege

    -Once the siege began, the area around the fortress siege zone will become
    -Each clan can put a flag (headquarter)
    -Just start the siege, CLOSE the door and enters the NPC defender
    -In. There are 3-5 NPC camps
    -These camps have inside fficer's Barracks, Control Room, Archer Unit, Guard Camp and Support Unit
    The command baracks are always in the center of the map

    When the first falls, the others must be destroyed in 10 mins, otherwise they will rebuilt.
    If all fall within the required time, the door to the Command Baracks will open, and the flags too
    The Mercenary Captain has to live until they take all camps
    Then comes the flag. All players can get the flags and when they die these switches back to position
    Once they get the flag, stats will fall quite
    But it takes and a skill, that can put the flag to the required point (on the Command camp) When a clan put the flag up there, you win the siege, and can take the fortress
    Just ask the fortress, a SPecial Envoy from the Castle will appear in the Command Camp.

    Control Room
    Except the labels may get a fortress 'killing' the Control room
    In a large fortress, you must close the control room, kill all the Barack Captains kai to put the flag

    • Fortress Features
    • Recovery
    • Teleport
    • Buffs
    • Clan Warehouse

    Items as:

    • Shirts
    • Tallismans
    • Braceletes

    can be purchased from the NPC you have in
    Also clans can enter the fortress dungeons!

    Fortress Prison (Instanced Dungeon)

    To get there, each member of the PARTY to have the quest for self (Fortress dungeon)
    At Fortress dungeon can get a party with at least 2 members
    H applications to enter, should be done by the leader of the party
    The leader of the party must be a member of the clan that has the fortress
    In the fortress dungeon can enter every 4 hours and never more than 1 party simultaneously
    If a player makes restart in it, will come out the entrance NPC
    Ta raid boss in there, it will disappear if you do not hit from the player for 10 minutes
    When the Fortress Dungeon Raid Boss fallen, the party will receive a Dungeon Leader Mark item that can be trade for a Knight's Epaulettes.


    When a clan gets a fortress, gets 100 CRP
    When he loses the fortress, not LOSE NO
    Can it get BLOOD OATH from the fortress
    Can it get Knight's Epaulettes from the defender / commander npc
    Special skills
    When a clan gets a fortress, all MEMBER gets some special clan skill
    When he loses, lost and the skills

    Aaru Fortress - Small Border Fortress

    Skills: Max MP, MP Regeneration
    Town Teleports: Giran, Heine
    Other Ports: Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon, Garden of Eva, Center of Alligator Island
    Antharas’ Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Matk, Advanced Shield
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Archaic Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Resist Sleep
    Town Teleports: Schuttgart
    Other Ports: Crypts of Disgrace, Plunderous Plains, Den of Evil, Frozen Labyrinth
    Bayou Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Might, Matk
    Town Teleports: Aden
    Other Ports: Ancient Battlegrounds, Blazing Swamp, Enchanted Valley North & South
    Borderland Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Clan Luck, Max CP
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Cloud Mountain Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Clan Luck,Fortitude (resistance to stun attacks increases by 10)
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Demon Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Max CP, CP Regeneration
    Town Teleports: Goddard, Rune
    Other Ports: Wall of Argos, Forge of the Gods Entrance, Swamp of Screams, Vally of Saints
    Dragonspine Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: MDef, Resist Water/Wind
    Town Teleports: Dion, Oren
    Other Ports: Ant Nest, Windawood Manor, Sea of Spores, Ancient Battlegrounds
    Floran Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Hive Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Evasion, Resist Fire/Earth
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Hunter’s Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Evasion, PAtk
    Town Teleports: Aden, Giran
    Other Ports: Enchanted Valley North, Blazing Swamp, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon
    Ivory Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: CP Regeneration, Resist Hold
    Town Teleports: Oren
    Other Ports: Sea of Spores, Ancient Battlegrounds, Enchanted Valley North & South
    Monastic Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, HP Regeneration
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Narsell Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Resist Sleep
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    Shanty Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max HP, Advanced Block
    Town Teleports: Gludio
    Other Ports: Runes of Agony, Runes of Despair, Ant Nest, Windawood Manor
    Southern Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Resist Wind/Water, Advanced Block
    Town Teleports: Gludio
    Other Ports: Ruins of Agony & Despair, Ant Nest, Windawood Manor
    Swamp Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: Guidance, PDef
    Town Teleports: Rune
    Other Ports: Vallay of Saints, Swamp of Screams, Forrest of the Dead, WildBeast Pastures
    Tanor Fortress - Small Border Fortress
    Skills: Movement, Resist Fire & Earth
    Town Teleports: Giran, Dion
    Other Ports: Ant Nest, Windawood Manor, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon
    Valley Fortress - Large Territory Fortress
    Skills: MP Regeneration, Resist Stun
    Town Teleports: Giran
    Other Ports: Devils Isle, Breka Stronghold, Dragon Valley, Tanor Canyon
    Western Fortress - Large Border Fortress
    Skills: Clan Luck, PDef, Advanced Shield
    Town Teleports:
    Other Ports:
    White Sands Fortress - Small Territory Fortress
    Skills: Max MP, MDef
    Town Teleports: Heine
    Other Ports: Fields of Silence (West) & Whispers (East), Center of Alligator Island, Inside Garden of Eva
    Last edited by Pbgiannhs; 05-10-2013 at 09:46 AM.

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