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  1. #1
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    Default What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?...
    Lullaby Studios presents �Hidden Rooms� � an adventure game that really has a story � on Adventure Developers Online Conference 2005.

    General features:
    • more than 10 unique ground-breaking puzzles, animated to the smallest fragments;
    • more than 35 non-player characters, each with its own personality;
    • 9 game worlds (about 50 completely different locations), each with its own style and attitude;
    • fully animated backgrounds � every location in the game has its behavior and individuality: heavy creeping fog, wind is dancing with some fallen leaves on a dusty asphalt;
    • freezing soundscapes;
    • reasonable system requirements make it possible for every adventure fan to play the game.

    Announcement date: 25.09.2005

    Publisher & publishing date: n/a

    First of all, we want to tell more about general story plot.

    Two last years Valentina spent in vain searches for paranormal phenomena. She came to the journalism as a person under big influence of pulp fiction and TV shows. Like a somebody who is ready to follow a revelation by the edge of Universe�at least she was thinking so. However Valentina chooses the hard career of reporter for �Era Nova� � a serious popular science magazine whose chief is poorly inclined to cheap sensation chasing. Two years ago, after graduating, Valentina expected success thinking about this job. She passionately wanted no glory, but the opportunity to head for the edge of the ordinary life, discovering something unknown and surprising.

    Those two years have passed. Prospective sensations appear to be forgeries or ridiculous concurrences. Chief of �Era Nova� accepts her with less favourably. Fees start melting away as well as the possibility to see the other side of the ordinary world. Anyway, Valentina never surrenders. Her lively character became a little bit more venomous and she kept her passion for searching. She is still ready to go to the final frontier and explore what is hidden there � in the back of beyond�

    The day destiny gives her a chance has come. Valentina gets a letter from woman who has found a strange room at her flat. There is no space in the building for this room. Our hero goes there and comes behind the border of the Hidden rooms� world � a strange, unreal, illogical and� devilish attractive place. From this moment the journey begins and leads her far away from usual reality. Every new world Valentina gets into lives by its own rules, its own logic. But soon an outer danger connects to Hidden rooms� puzzles. Valentina finds that a terrible murderer is on the chase. Evidences of his presence become clearer from one world to another.

    Can Valentina gain advantage over her fears and the murderer or she will stay in Hidden rooms forever?

    Now we're happy to say that our work on Publisher's pack is in its final stage and soon it will be finished. General concepts (graphical, sound and story) were set, so we�re ready to show some of materials to the public.

    As you know our timeblock on Adventure Developers Online Conference 2005 is Tuesday 22nd of November 21:00 � 23:00 GMT. At this time we'll make a important update at project�s website ( concept artwork, main hero�s profile, audio samples, some renders and presents dedicated to ADOC 2005.

    And during these two hours we'll be glad to answer any questions. We guarantee that at least half of the answers will be truth.

    Lullaby Studios

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    Ok, we made final update dedicated to ADOC 2005 on project's website. So check it:

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    So it's going to be a horror game or it's going to be more on the detective part? Will there be any action sequences? (I love that question!). Although the game isn't going to be comedy, are there going to be some jokes in it? How did you plan to sell your game? (i.e. on-line or/and in stores).

  4. #4
    Rank: Regular
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    Why have you chosen a female lead character?

  5. #5
    Rank: Regular
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    When will be a trailer or a demo available?

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    >So it's going to be a horror game or it's going to be more on the detective part?

    The game is quite complex and it's hard to say which element dominates. But the game is definitely not a horror.

    >Will there be any action sequences? (I love that question!).


    >Although the game isn't going to be comedy, are there going to be some jokes in it?

    Yeah, there will be some jokes, but it isn't the main point of "Hidden rooms". We're telling interesting and dramatic story.

    >How did you plan to sell your game? (i.e. on-line or/and in stores).

    It is too early to answer that question. We didn't work in this way yet.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..


    We just wrote a story about a female. As for trailer and demo I can't say much. There will definitely be one, but I don't know when. Not very soon I guess.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    I don't read all the topics, will the game be in prerendered graphics or full-time?
    Is it a point and click game or something else?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    >will the game be in prerendered graphics or full-time?

    Pre-rendered fully anumated backgrounds and 3D real-time characters.

    >Is it a point and click game or something else?

    "Hidden rooms" is a classical point&click adventure game.

  10. #10
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    Was it inspired by "Cube" (that indy flick from 1997)? It sounds similar, in a way.

  11. #11
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    Waow, felicitations for the graphics! It seems to be wonderful!

    Will there be a lot of places, indoors and/or exteriors scenes?

  12. #12
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: What is hidden from you in the back of beyond?..

    >Was it inspired by "Cube" (that indy flick from 1997)? It sounds similar, in a way.


    >Waow, felicitations for the graphics! It seems to be wonderful!

    Thank you.

    >Will there be a lot of places, indoors and/or exteriors scenes?

    There will a lot of different places at all. Our game has 10 separated worlds in big Hidden rooms world each with its own behavior and style.

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