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    Default Penalization | Banning Rules

    In-Game Rules

    1) Leavers:
    1st warn/ban = 5 Days
    2nd warn/ban = 10 Days
    3rd warn/ban = 15 Days

    2) Afkers:
    Players staying afk unintentionally for more than 5 minutes will be given a 5 day ban.
    Players staying afk intentionally for more than 5 minutes will be given a 15 day ban.

    3) Game ruiners:
    Players intentionally feeding, misusing "Shared control" by using other heroes, destroying/trying to destroy their teammates' items or ruining in any other way will be termed as "Game ruiners" and will be banned for 15 days without any warning.

    4) Bug abusers:
    Players abusing any kind of bug will be banned for 5 days.

    5) Hack-Usage:
    Players using map hacks or any other hack will be will be compbanned.
    They can apply for an unban after 8 weeks.

    Lobby Rules

    • Player must not spam.
    • User must not flame.
    • Player must not enter the game lobby, unless he has atleast 1 hour of free time.
    • Game owner must not abuse commands.

    1st time => 0-2 days
    2nd time => 3 days
    3rd time => 1 week
    4th time => 1 week + (Staff's decision)

    1st time => 0-2 days
    2nd time => 3 days
    3rd time => 1 week
    4th time => 1 week + (Staff's decision)

    Command abuse
    1st time => 2 days
    2nd time => 5 days
    3rd time => 2 weeks
    4th time => 1 month

    Official Channel Rules Ex. Europe Public

    • Player must not spam.
    • User must not flame.

    1st time => Kick/Warn
    2nd time => 3 hours
    3rd time => 12 hours
    4th time => 1 day + (Staff's decision)

    1st time => Kick/Warn
    2nd time => 3 hours
    3rd time => 12 hours
    4th time => 1 day + (Staff's decision)

    • These general rules may be altered in unconventional situations.
    • Games specified in the Ban Requests must not be older than a month.
    Last edited by bitchgotraped; 04-11-2012 at 10:27 AM.

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