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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    • Posts: 19

    Default Telltale Introduction

    Hi! Dave Grossman here, senior designer at Telltale and lead designer on The Great Cow Race and Sam & Max Season One (old-timers may also remember me from past epics such as Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, and Pajama Sam). I'm going to be hanging around this forum, drinking the complimentary coffee by the bucket and answering as many questions as my feeble brain and fingers will allow, on whatever lunatic topics you may care to dream up, until reality kicks in and I have to go back to work.

    I expect to be joined by Heather Logas, who designed The Great Cow Race with me and keeps sea monkeys on her desk, and/or one or more of the Telltale regulars, or perhaps even Norganthavox, a tireless robotic drone we built from a kit and which comes with eight arms and a built-in flame thrower (N-vox is a little hard on the keyboards, so we usually try to lure it into a closet while these sorts of internet chats are going on, but sometimes it escapes). Any or all of whom will, hopefully, introduce themselves here.

    Telltale, meanwhile, is a company that makes story-focused, adventurey-type games that are often episodic and downloadable, though we also made a cool, longer-form CSI game which is available through traditional retail channels. But you probably already knew all of that, unless you stumbled into this forum by mistake while you were Googling Edgar Allan Poe stories. So go ahead, start a thread and ask about something!

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: May 2005
    • Posts: 25

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Hi Dave!
    Diduz here, your devoted frantic Italian feedbacker.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    So good evening from Germany! I really loved your "classical" games and maybe I'll play your latest games, too...

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Good morning to Telltale from the distant lands of L.A.

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Whadya mean, "maybe"? Fish some change out of the couch and plunk it down!

    Quote Originally Posted by tenochtitlan
    So good evening from Germany! I really loved your "classical" games and maybe I'll play your latest games, too...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by numble
    Good morning to Telltale from the distant lands of L.A.
    And greetings from Michigan, a somewhat greater distance, but much closer than most her . Welcome to the conference guys.
    Mr. Smoozles comic<br />Astronaut Elementary comic (the other AE )

  7. #7

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by dgrossman
    Whadya mean, "maybe"? Fish some change out of the couch and plunk it down!

    Quote Originally Posted by tenochtitlan
    So good evening from Germany! I really loved your "classical" games and maybe I'll play your latest games, too...
    I'm very busy at the moment but it's on my "most wanted"...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Hello Telltale, from about 10 miles away. I'm in downtown San Rafael!

  9. #9
    Rank: Regular
    • Join Date: Apr 2005
    • Posts: 98

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by dgrossman
    Hi! Dave Grossman here, senior designer at Telltale and lead designer on The Great Cow Race and Sam & Max Season One
    Hi Dave. Just wanted to congratulate you (and the rest of the Telltale team) on the huge success you're having with the games.

    Big thumbs up, guys.
    Steve<br />

  10. #10

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Yes, congratulations! I must confess that I enjoyed the new Sam & Max game a lot, even though I was reluctant about it... you managed to recapture the same nutty feeling of the previous title, and it felt like it was yesterday when it was released. Hearing Max's crazy lines again made me feel like a youngster ;D

    Looking forward to the next installment!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  11. #11
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 26

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Hi Dave and Heather,

    Just wanted to say a big "cheers" while we are also busy in our Deck13 forum - and tell you that we're very proud to be on your website with "Ankh". It'll be nice to see more of your games in the future, and we'll be happy to continue doing our part!

  12. #12
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by sirilluminator
    Hello Telltale, from about 10 miles away. I'm in downtown San Rafael!
    That's closer than 10 miles! You've probably seen us walking around on Fourth street for lunch. ;D

    Sorry I missed the party, but it looks like Dave and Heather did a great job answering everyone's questions...

  13. #13
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 4

    Default Re: Telltale Introduction

    Well, there are a few stragglers here. ;-)

    And I live, uhh, on the other side of the earth. Auckland, New Zealand...

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