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Thread: Welcome!

  1. #1

    Default Welcome!

    Hello and welcome to the Silver Style Entertainment forum. My name is Stefan Hoffmann, I'm responsible for project management of Simon the Sorcerer 4, I also work on the Design of this game. I'm looking forward to answer all your questions about the title.

    Stefan Hoffmann
    Silver Style Entertainment

  2. #2

    Default Re: Welcome!

    Hi Stefan, the announcement of Simon 4 production was certainly some big news for the adventure world! Is part of the team from the previous games coming back, or is this a whole new development?

    I think (not quite sure) that work on the fourth chapter began shortly after Simon 3 was released, but was canceled. Is this a continuation of that concept?
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  3. #3

    Default Re: Welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Agustin Cordes
    Hi Stefan, the announcement of Simon 4 production was certainly some big news for the adventure world! Is part of the team from the previous games coming back, or is this a whole new development?
    From the old team the Woodroffes are involved, which were in charge with the development of the former games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agustin Cordes
    I think (not quite sure) that work on the fourth chapter began shortly after Simon 3 was released, but was canceled. Is this a continuation of that concept?
    I can't say definetely if the Woodroffes may use parts from that story, but I don't think so. But Simon 4 continues the story of Simon 3D, with some very special tricks, so that new Simon players don't have the feeling not to understand everything.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Welcome!

    It's great to know the Woodroffes are back! I guess this would be a great time to replay the saga then... good luck with the release!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2005
    • Posts: 20

    Default Re: Welcome!

    Personally I'm a fan of the first simon (and the second a bit) and I really appreciate that you are making a new game of the series. I really enjoy the graphics and the style.
    Though I don't know much about your game and don't know what questions and answeres are there, I'll ask:

    Stefan Hoffmann, what role will the purple have in Simon 4? As we all know, the purple was a major used color in the firs Simon and somewhat that makes the game even more ...magic?
    Will Simon be able to care big objects (like ladders) in his hat? Well, you know, this was hilarious moment that will be remembered forever by all fans .
    This may sound stupid, but how do you feel about Simon 4? I mean when you run Simon 4 from the beginning, what do you feel and thinking about it? For me, personally, the original Simon, aside from the jokes, was a game fulfiled with magic. Well maybe back then it was all different, but you know. Can you ensure us that the game got this "magic" feeling?

    All in all I'm really happy about it and I'm looking forward. Good luck!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey
    Stefan Hoffmann, what role will the purple have in Simon 4? As we all know, the purple was a major used color in the firs Simon and somewhat that makes the game even more ...magic?
    Well, in the meantime magic science has learned to transfer magic attributes to none-purple objects. This is why we were a bit more free to choose colours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey
    Will Simon be able to care big objects (like ladders) in his hat? Well, you know, this was hilarious moment that will be remembered forever by all fans .
    Yes, everything fits in the hat. We solved it a bit different than in previous parts, put Simon still puts every single object in his hat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey
    This may sound stupid, but how do you feel about Simon 4? I mean when you run Simon 4 from the beginning, what do you feel and thinking about it? For me, personally, the original Simon, aside from the jokes, was a game fulfiled with magic. Well maybe back then it was all different, but you know. Can you ensure us that the game got this "magic" feeling?
    Yes, I think so. Magic still is a decisive element of the Simon scenario, it's omnipresent in the magical world. Sometimes in the foreground, sometimes more in the background. Also some of the (imho) best puzzles in the game base on magic.

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