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  1. #1
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Apr 2005
    • Posts: 291

    Default how AVS found a publisher?

    It is well known that AVS had no publisher for a long time. What helped "Crimson Cow" to make a decision to finance and publish this project?

  2. #2

    Default Re: how AVS found a publisher?

    Well you�ll have to ask them this question as well. All I can really say is we had been talking to them for quite a while as well as three other publishers. And we just worked out all the issues we had and ultimately felt like they were the best publisher for our game and our company. Other publishers had made good offers, but in the end Crimson Cow and AME had the best communication and same shared vision. We just felt really comfortable with them.

    But the big problem with finding a publisher was funding. One should really have a lot of the game done or have some venture capitalist funding before seeking a publisher. It makes the decision for the publisher a lot easier. We just had to overcome the fact we had no start up money. We all had to work day jobs to support our families.

    The best time to have done this game would have been eight years ago before I had three kids and house to support, back when I was at Lucas Arts. But at that time I thought I was going to maybe do AVS at Lucas Arts. I even had Larry Ahren, Jonathan Ackly and Hal Barwood take a look at the game design, and they liked it and encourage me to pitch it. But Lucas started going away from adventure games so I kept it. I should have quite Lucas after Monkey Island 3 to start AME. But it all worked out in the end. It just took three years longer that I had expect. So I apologize to all the people out there who want to play the game NOW. Trust I want to too. But I am so very thankful and happy I�m even doing it all. And I thank crimson Cow for that. Thanks guys!


  3. #3
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 56

    Default Re: how AVS found a publisher?

    It's pretty easy to explain... first of all it was Bill and the long discussion we had wich impressed me a lot.
    I have worked together with a lot of developers during my many years in this business, but he is one of the most talented ones I have ever met. I was really impressed about him and the story behind AVS so we had a very good feeling he would bring all the story and the marvelous characters and humor to life. Thanks for letting us be part of the AVS story, Bill.

  4. #4

    Default Re: how AVS found a publisher?

    Hey, sorry for asking another question when your time block has finished, but i'm curious:
    How did AME survive after not being funded for a long period ? Did you manage to bring back all the team from the hybernation in other jobs once you've signed with Crimson Cow ?

    I've seen many other unfunded games in various stages go to waste. The most prominant examlpe is "Scumbag Joe" which showed a lot of promise but when it never got funded, it got thrown away.
    I, Myself have worked for such company in the past (made an MMORTS) and seen how things go bad when the money run out.

    What was it that made you not lose hope ? Was it dedication and motivation that caused AVS to perish ?

    Zbang ! The new comedy game from Corbomite Games !<br /><br /><br />Pizza Morgana! Our new hilarious fantasy game. <br /><br /><br />Corbomite Games Company

  5. #5

    Default Re: how AVS found a publisher?

    It was tough to be sure, but we always got positive feedback from all the publishers on the concept. SO I knew we had something good, but how to overcome the barriers? So we just kept plugging away and eventually we got a lot of interests form a handful of serious publishers all at the same time. And we went with Crimson Cow, and have been working on the game no stop ever since. From the time the game was announced the game publicly in The Inventory Magazine till when we signed the project was almost exactly 2 years. I think fan intesrt in the game was the major driving force near the end. We got so many hits to our web site and doen so many interviews I had a feeling that some smart business man out there needed to fund this game and get it out to these adventure game fans who want to play the game. And that is what happened.

    We did lose people along the way, and new people replaced them. People can only work for free for so long, and I truly understand that. And appreciate their efforts and I haven�t forgotten them, namely R.D., Brooks White, Kyle Balda, Larry Pensack, Charles Beirnaert and Mike Kirchoff. They all really helped get AVS off the ground. But new people rolled on and we kept going.

    I was worried but confident at the same time. The feedback and fan reaction kept me going, but the long months of delay were tough and worrisome for user. But all is good now, and it was all well worth it. I hope and want Crimson Cow and AME make tons of games together.

    Knock on wood!


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