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Thread: Nabend...

  1. #1

    Default Nabend...

    ... Martin hier. Ich bin ja so aufgeregt! Da bin ich extra anderthalb Stunden fr�her gekommen! ( ;D )

    Okay, Test beendet, bis nachher!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nabend...


    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hey ho, ihr 2! ;D
    ANACONDA&#039;s Content &amp; Community Manager<br /><br />The Website:<br />The Board:

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hi ho, Betty
    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  5. #5

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Ok, Betty, stell mir 'ne Frage! ( ;D )

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nabend...

    �hm... Okay!

    Here we go: Warum f�hle ich mich nach dem Overclocked-Spielen, als w�re ich im Staten Island Hospital?
    ANACONDA&#039;s Content &amp; Community Manager<br /><br />The Website:<br />The Board:

  7. #7

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Nicht so kritisch! Eine *ganz unkritische* Frage! Frag mich, warum man so fabelhaft oft speichern kann!


    edit: Ok, jetzt aber mal im Ernst -- hallo Leute, hier sind Martin und Silke von House of Tales. Wir sind heute Eure pers�nlichen Chatr�ume.

    ICH habe leider nur bis 19 Uhr Zeit. Bis dahin stehe ich nat�rlich zu Eurer Verf�gung. Dann macht Silke weiter -- sie wei� ALLES und ist nett! Wir freuen uns auf Fragen.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hallo Martin und Silke

    I'll start with a difficult and possibly confrontational question
    Can you tell us when the English version of Overclocked will be ready? I can't wait and am thinking of taking a language course and playing it in German. ;D
    Proud member of the Scratches betatestteam

  9. #9

    Default Re: Nabend...


    Wie sieht es in Euren Spielen mit Eastereggs aus, gibt es welche?

    Auf welche Elemente in Euren Spielen seid Ihr besonders stolz?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hello PolloDiablo,

    nice, reading you here!
    Right now, Martin is working on the English version - but I�m sure he can be more precise about that.

    Referring to your German: I think you can understand this language pretty well - so it should be no problem for you playing Overclocked in the original version.

    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeyolscaer

    Wie sieht es in Euren Spielen mit Eastereggs aus, gibt es welche?

    Auf welche Elemente in Euren Spielen seid Ihr besonders stolz?

    ja, es gibt Eastereggs.
    Aber um die zu entdecken, musst Du die Spiele schon selber spielen

    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  12. #12

    Default Re: Nabend...

    I can promise, she can speak better german than she says !

    And: Hi Pollo Diabolo!
    ANACONDA&#039;s Content &amp; Community Manager<br /><br />The Website:<br />The Board:

  13. #13

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hey PolloDiablo,

    Silke is right, I can't give an official date, as that's up to Lighthouse. What I can say, however, is that we're putting much effort into it, and I believe it will pay off. I really hope it'll be worth the wait.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Auf welche Elemente in Euren Spielen seid Ihr besonders stolz?
    Hehe. Gute Frage. Ich bin vor allem stolz,. da� es House-of-Tales-Spiele sind. Ich denke, wir finden so nach und nach zu einem ganz eigenen Stil, und das ist uns wichtig. Wir haben tolle Fans und schlimme Gegner -- ich finde das gut. Es gibt viele Leute, die unsere Spiele nicht kalt lassen. Darum geht's.

    edit: Ich glaube, es w�re gut, wenn wir neue Topics aufmachten...

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    I haven't played Overclocked yet (apart from the German demo) but I think The Moment of Silence was one of the best adventure games ever. If someone asks me, what game they should play if they want an adventure with a really good story, I always recommend TMOS. Perhaps in the near future I'll have to change that to Overclocked though. ;D
    Proud member of the Scratches betatestteam

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Nice to read that, PolloDiablo

    Did you understand the German in the demo version of the game?

    I really hope, that you like Overclocked as much as you liked TMOS - but if you like the Hot-Adventure-Style, I�m sure you will ;D

    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  17. #17

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Having played the German version of Overclocked I can say it is amazing. Great job guys, what languages other than English/German do you plan to release it for?

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hi AllisonSkerl,

    as written above Martin is now working on the English localisation.
    I�m not a hundred percent sure, in how many languages dtp will have the game translated to, But I`m pretty sure it will be also available in French.
    PR Manager<br /><br />House of Tales

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Nabend...

    I understood most of it, had to look up a couple of words in the dictionary but I had no problems with the overall story or the goal I had to achieve.
    Proud member of the Scratches betatestteam

  20. #20

    Default Re: Nabend...

    Hi Allison,

    oh, quite a few. I know French and Polish have just been finished. English is well underway. There are other languages, but I'm not exactly sure which... I'd have to look up. TMOS made it to 8 languages, and I believe we have about as many planned for Overclocked.

    (I'm having some problems with the forum speed. Is anyone else experiencing this? I seem to recall we've had this problem here before...?)

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