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Thread: Game Publishing

  1. #1

    Default Game Publishing

    Hey Guy !

    First, great work on the current line-up of games. I certainly played most and want to play others.

    I'm Oded, from Corbomite games, we're making a comedy adventure game called Zbang, and looking for publisher.
    We're also working on a second adventure game (which we will announce in our time slot in at 21:00).

    I would like if you can talk a bit about what your adventure games is your publisher looking for.

    Also, Feel free to contact me in email through our website or here at the forums !

    Zbang ! The new comedy game from Corbomite Games !<br /><br /><br />Pizza Morgana! Our new hilarious fantasy game. <br /><br /><br />Corbomite Games Company

  2. #2

    Default Re: Game Publishing

    Hi Oded!

    The best idea would be to get in touch with us via email at [email protected]. We are looking for good games with a realistic eye for the market. We'd be thrilled to take a look at your games, be they adventure games or not.



  3. #3

    Default Re: Game Publishing

    Great. I'll be in touch shortly.
    Zbang ! The new comedy game from Corbomite Games !<br /><br /><br />Pizza Morgana! Our new hilarious fantasy game. <br /><br /><br />Corbomite Games Company

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