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Thread: bug report

  1. #1

    Default bug report

    Bug with obs............

    In case of private game with obs...if everyone are ready except obs and i close 12...we cant start the game without of !start command.....status of !wim is w8ing blank spot....... is this normal or?

  2. #2
    Rank: Board General
    • Join Date: Oct 2012
    • Posts: 1,650


    Well, You said its a private game . to !open 12 means you have someone with Tc powers or above.
    Using !start wont be a trouble for you since you have someone in game with powers to do so .
    not to mention that if you !close 12 with 10 ready . Just type !ready again the game will start .
    what if it didnt start?(it should start )
    Once again you said its a private game you can just rejoin it.
    Please note that if slot 12 is open the game wont start with a !ready.
    I hope this solve your problem

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