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Thread: Screenshots!

  1. #1

    Default Screenshots!

    These are the first publicly available screenshots of Prominence. Enjoy!

    Mike Morrison<br />Digital Media Workshop, Inc.<br />------------------<br />Prominence, a science-fiction adventure game<br />

  2. #2

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Lovely! Reminds me of Mission Critical - very good sign ;D
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  3. #3

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Thanks, Agust�n. You know, someone else mentioned Mission Critical during an interview -- now I'm really curious, because I never played it. Then again, there haven't really been all that many sci-fi adventures in the past few years...
    Mike Morrison<br />Digital Media Workshop, Inc.<br />------------------<br />Prominence, a science-fiction adventure game<br />

  4. #4

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Mission Critical along with A Mind Forever Voyaging may well be the most transcendental sci-fi adventures out there (at least until Prominence, we'll see ). They both deal with identity issues and one's role in life, albeit from very different perspectives (in AMFV you're actually a machine).

    Mission Critical took a while to grow on me, but I now consider it one of the most "mind opening" games out there. One of its two possible endings rank among the best ever - it's a beautiful exploration of the goals of mankind... and what may happen if we ever reach them. The last third of the game is as unique as it gets, and I heartily recommend you play it!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
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    • Posts: 17

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    I'm curious as to how you will design the human factor into the high-tech interiors of a ship like this. Are you trying to evoke an ominous atmosphere? Will the crew cabins have a more personal touch?

    I can almost hear the ship's computer singing "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do."

  6. #6

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Becky
    I'm curious as to how you will design the human factor into the high-tech interiors of a ship like this. Are you trying to evoke an ominous atmosphere? Will the crew cabins have a more personal touch?

    I can almost hear the ship's computer singing "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do."

    What a wonderful observation!

    You're absolutely right. There's a deliberately strong contrast between the Letarri as a race and the design of the facility. They're a displaced race, so nothing feels like home to them and one of the ways we try to communicate that to the player is through the design of the environments.

    We're trying to carry that concept right through to the sound design, too. The music for the Letarri is very warm and organic, and the "music" (i.e. sounds) of the facility are very mechanical and at times a bit ominous, even.

    We've got some other tricks up our sleeve to further enhance the immersion, but we've got to keep those features under wraps for a bit longer yet.
    Mike Morrison<br />Digital Media Workshop, Inc.<br />------------------<br />Prominence, a science-fiction adventure game<br />

  7. #7

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Just out of curiosity... who said anything about a "ship"?
    Kevin McGrath<br />Prominence - a science fiction adventure game<br />

  8. #8
    Rank: Rookie
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    • Posts: 12

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    I'm just glad to see that your future is not all post-Apocalyptic and rusty. And... oh.... it's not a ship? :P

  9. #9

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Hi Imari!

    Thanks for visiting with us!
    Yes, it's true... our vision of the future includes liberal amounts of Rust-Oleum. ;D
    Mike Morrison<br />Digital Media Workshop, Inc.<br />------------------<br />Prominence, a science-fiction adventure game<br />

  10. #10
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2007
    • Posts: 2

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Oooh, those are some nice screenshots.
    /goes out and invests in Rust-Oleum stock.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Screenshots!

    Thanks, Eric!
    Mike Morrison<br />Digital Media Workshop, Inc.<br />------------------<br />Prominence, a science-fiction adventure game<br />

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