Your name: Κώστας
Date of Birth: 21/6/1995
Your country: Ελλάδα
Occupation: Μαθητής
Spoken languages: Ελληνικά αγγλικά και λίγο γαλλικά
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account: Da_Skull_
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: eleos clan nol dotalicious
Your activity and average playtime each week: 35-40 ώρες
Which time of the day you usually play: από τις 10 το βράδυ μέχρι όσο πάει
Which time of the day you usually play:
How long you have been playing DotA:6 χρόνια
Your ability to communicate with others: καλή απλά δεν μ αρέσει να με trollaroun
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Φυσικά
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? .Σκέφτομαι τι είναι δυνατό να γίνει
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks): Όχι βέβαια
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? xunwkaime8as gor)death) matzakos blind_guadian)
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin: Γιατί η κατάσταση έχει ξεφύγει!!!
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: admin αργά τα μεσάνυχτα!!
Are you premium member?: ΟΧΙ
Are you using or a friend of yours an admin card?: ΟΧΙ
A few things about yourself: τελειώνω το σχολείο εγραψα σκατά πανελλήνιες και είμαι χαρούμενοσ xD