6:38 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): LEAVARE
6:42 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): KAI MH MAS PRIZEIS TH POUTSA
6:43 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): NUXTIATIKA
6:47 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ZWO
17:34 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): poutsa
19:21 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): me tosa items
19:23 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): eisai kai anikanos
19:31 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): a re zwa
19:33 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): gamhsate to game
19:34 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): moggola
22:11 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): toss
22:14 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): proti re
22:17 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): tou eixa kanei
22:18 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): re vlima
22:33 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): ksereis oti tha kanei tp kai tou kaneis xoris na kanei tp
22:36 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): poli empeiros eisai
22:47 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): re ante gamhsou
22:49 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): pou tha apologithw
22:50 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): kiolas
22:52 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): se esena
22:53 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): moggole
23:11 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): trava paikse me tin pipila sou
23:52 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): parte 3 kill akoma gia FF apo ta kills
23:53 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ante
23:54 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): aliws mpeite
24:18 [All] feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker): 8a doume emeis ti 8a kanoume
24:27 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): skase re arxipouthena
24:28 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): sakse
24:32 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): !sd feel
24:33 [All] feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker): esena dn se apasxolh
24:35 [Allies] salonikag10 (Tidehunter): haha
24:37 [All] feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker): xaxaxa
25:11 abelofasoula_ (Gondar) [1-5] was been killed by EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [5-4]. Assist: feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [5-1]/edward_4_ (Rikimaru) [11-3]
25:11 EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [5-4] is on a killing spree!
edw arxizi to epic game tou
25:19 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: [abelofasoula_] has forfeited the game. (1/4 votes for Scourge)
25:19 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): !ff
25:22 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ela zwa
25:23 [All] feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker): poutsa blaka
25:55 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): KANTE FF
26:04 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): trava psofa se kamia gwnia gia arxh
26:50 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): pame all mid ?
27:04 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): na pame na klasoume ?
27:05 [Allies] salonikag10 (Tidehunter): na xw ulty
27:10 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): exo bm re
27:16 [Allies] salonikag10 (Tidehunter): klain
27:30 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): kante mwre
27:34 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ena ff
27:34 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): akoma
27:36 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): teleiwnete
27:59 feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [7-1] is wicked sick!!
28:02 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): eides?
28:05 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): EFAGES TH POUTSA
28:06 SmD_TaZ (Axe) [5-8] was been killed by Zozef (Necrolyte) [4-3]. Assist: EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [5-4]
28:07 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): APO PANTOU
28:09 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): KANE FF TWRA
8:44 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): POIO KWLOZWO DE KANEI F FWMRE]
28:47 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): kane ena stun mia fwra kai meta ksana pes to
28:47 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): PWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
30:20 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): exe xarh pou exoume ENA KWLOZWO
30:22 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): POU DE KANEI FF
30:24 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): GIA ENA ZWO
30:29 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): MONO PAIZOUME AKOMA AVTH THN AHDEIA
30:31 [Allies] Petros-Zezas (Vengeful): skase ligo
30:35 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): !votekick abelofa
30:35 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: A votekick against player [abelofasoula_] has been started by player [SmD_TaZ]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
30:35 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: Type !yes to vote.
30:36 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): !sd petros
30:40 [All] SmD_TaZ (Axe): ela doste ena yes
30:43 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): axaxax
30:45 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: Player [feelmypow3r] voted to kick player [abelofasoula_]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
30:45 [All] LLLiLiLiLiLiL (Slark): auto einai banable
30:47 feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [10-2] has acquired a Invisibility rune
30:51 [All] LLLiLiLiLiLiL (Slark): an eimoun me to account mou to allo
30:53 [All] SmD_TaZ (Axe): den einai bannable
31:01 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): to kick ?
31:01 [All] SmD_TaZ (Axe): to votekick
31:04 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): dn einai ban ?
31:12 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): xwris game ruin ?
31:14 Petros-Zezas (Vengeful) [1-10] was been killed by LLLiLiLiLiLiL (Slark) [11-3]. Assist: feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [10-2]
31:16 [All] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): xwris tpt ?
31:25 [Allies] Petros-Zezas (Vengeful): skase re file ligo sovara
31:27 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): tosi wra ti kaneis
31:33 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): paizw
31:35 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: A votekick against player [abelofasoula_] has expired.
31:36 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): kai mou gamhsate to game
31:59 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): axe
32:05 salonikag10 (Tidehunter) [2-11] was been killed by feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [11-2]. Assist: EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [6-4]
32:05 SmD_TaZ (Axe) [6-11] was been killed by Zozef (Necrolyte) [7-3]. Assist: EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [6-4]/feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [11-2]
32:05 Zozef (Necrolyte) [7-3] is dominating!
32:10 Don_Korle0ne (Nevermore) [2-10] was been killed by LLLiLiLiLiLiL (Slark) [12-3]. Assist: EdwEinaiMi8rio (Traxex) [6-4]
32:18 Scourge middle melee barracks were destroyed by Zozef (Necrolyte) [7-3].
32:21 Scourge middle ranged barracks were denied by n.
32:26 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): an de mou xe fugei to admin
32:32 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): hsoun hdh new account
32:35 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): !sd abelo
32:36 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): apo to votekick
32:39 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): na to ksereis
32:40 Scourge middle level 4 tower was destroyed by LLLiLiLiLiLiL (Slark) [12-3].
32:40 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): siga re
32:46 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): na se kano ena post na doume..
32:49 Scourge middle level 4 tower was destroyed by feelmypow3r (Spiritbreaker) [11-2].
32:52 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ti na kaneis post ?
32:52 Scourge bottom level 3 tower was denied by Neutral Creeps.
32:54 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): to ZWO ?
32:54 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): to ZWO ?
32:59 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): gameruin manners
33:02 [Allies] SmD_TaZ (Axe): ftanei
33:06 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): les na exoume kanenan apo th filozwikh ?
33:09 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): ti les mwre
33:12 [Allies] abelofasoula_ (Gondar): pwww