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Thread: Ban Reqeust

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Oct 2013
    • Posts: 14

    Default Ban Reqeust

    Your RGC Username:KRASSOS
    Reporting (Username) : 1)BAMPI2 2)Awasoon!!!
    Room EU) Public
    Reason :MH
    Replay :
    Timestamps :1)4:49 |cFFA9A9A9BAMPI2 (Puck)|r clicked Beastmaster -2)9:59 |cFFA52A2Awasoon!!! (Ogre Magi)|r clicked Beastmaster
    Last edited by Varela; 27-10-2013 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Councilor
    • Join Date: Oct 2013
    • Posts: 388



    BAMPI2 is now timebanned from this channel until 12:34 on 26/12/2013

    wasoon!!! is now timebanned from this channel until 12:35 on 26/12/2013
    -| THE CRIMINAL |-

  3. #3
    Rank: Duke
    • Join Date: May 2013
    • Posts: 4,584



    Thanks for reporting!
    Defeating the purpose since thirteen thirty-seven.

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