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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Feb 2014
    • Posts: 10

    Default unban request or this is a glitch?

    My id is Obama. lastly i played in europe public and peru or bolivia these are the 3 rooms.

    I spammed in those room and i thought the last message i get is "you get kicked by rgc" or something

    after that my rgc closed. I try to login again and i press connect and login after i press login nothing happens and no message appeared. (no "welcome" sound and its like the rgc closed, i saw like a little box after i try to login but its about 0.01 second so i cant read) i tried this more than 10 times

    did my IP banned? please unban me if im banned because i live with 3 friends and they can't play too i will not flood again.

    please help if this is a ip ban or glitch, i tried to reinstall the rgc too

    i will not do this silly thing again ..

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Feb 2014
    • Posts: 10


    i dont know whether i got banned or no because there is no threads link in forum about me and all i know was i got "you got kicked by rgc" message lastly.

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Feb 2014
    • Posts: 10


    Im sorry my id is "Obama|"

  4. #4
    Rank: Duke
    • Join Date: May 2013
    • Posts: 4,584


    You've been computer banned, don't know for what reason though....Log into RGC from a different computer and ask why you've been banned.
    Defeating the purpose since thirteen thirty-seven.

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