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  1. #1

    Default Clear My Banhistory Request

    Your RGC Username: Old ign immor†al change to ⋆BRYZ
    Abuser RGC Username: xxxjapjapxxx and [blood]-edmond
    Explain why the user abused you: seems the bans are not valid as you can see on my banhistory he want to revenge because he's the immortalgay on that screenshot using 2nd account. As you can see on the screenshot
    [Timeban] [(SA) Imba.Staff] :: From 10:11 on 18/02/2014 To 10:11 on 19/05/2014 [Admin] :: xxxjapjapxxx [Reason] :: remember this??you ban me w/out not the guy immortalgay FU..REVENGE IS A MUST F.U.

    and the other one [Timeban] [DotaTop] :: From 07:01 on 18/02/2014 To 07:01 on 19/04/2014 [Admin] :: [blood]-edmond [Reason] :: Insulting me

    !banhistory ⋆BRYZ the screenshot
    I think these is not valid ban they want to mess my history w/out valid proof.

    Check vouchhistory and banhistory of xxxjapjapxxx and [blood]-edmond.
    these two guys using their rank to abuse other gamers.
    He get unvouch by #mephisto# on Imbadota because of abusing my history i hope to clear my banhistory thank's

    Please Check the Old ign 1st and the screenshots because i change my ign to ⋆BRYZ
    Last edited by Immortals; 06-03-2014 at 04:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jul 2013
    • Posts: 14



    The post was denied here:

  3. #3



    There was no need for you to make another thread.

    You had already made one and it was denied because you have one valid ban.

    [Time Ban] [Singapore] :: From 11:07 on 02/01/2014 To 11:07 on 09/01/2014 [Admin] :: b3aяツ` [Reason] :: spam adv

  4. #4
    Rank: Duke
    • Join Date: May 2013
    • Posts: 4,584


    Defeating the purpose since thirteen thirty-seven.

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