Your name: Dimitris
Date of Birth:8-10-1991
Your country: greece
Occupation: Hlektrologos
Spoken languages: Liga agglika
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account: Exw_mh_QQ
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: Panta epaiza sto eleos
Your activity and average playtime each week: Paizw kathe mera gurw sta 5 ews 10 games
Which time of the day you usually play: Analogos me tin douleia alla sinithws apogeuma brady!
How long you have been playing DotA:Paizw Sxedon 4 xronia
Your ability to communicate with others: Pisteuw arketa kala
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Nai ta exw diabasei k simfwnw!
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Kanw upomonh k prospathw na luso kathe problhma pou mporei na uparksei sto game!
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks): Oxi bebaia sigoura oi anwteroi kseroun kalutera!
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Cut_and_sew silver_moon_ LLLiLiLiLiLiL
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin: Thelw na ginw admin gia na uparxei hremia sto game k oxi entaseis...K na prospathw na bazw ta pragmata sti thesi tous otan tha uparxoun asxhma kanenan den aresei na ginete auto...
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: Pisteuw pws mporw na sinferw gia kalutera games!
Are you premium member?: nai
Are you using or a friend of yours an admin card?: Tin dikia m!
A few things about yourself:Maresoun ta taksidia me tis mhxanes!!Dhlwnw k opados tis pigenw ghpedo.....Opws epishs kafedaki me tous filous k full dota!!