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  1. #1
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Nov 2010
    • Posts: 156

    Default [REJECTED] Admin Aplplication : ErAnS

    Your name:*renos

    Date of Birth:*11/08/1987

    Your country:*greece

    Occupation:*pros to paron tipota

    Spoken languages:*greek,English, French

    Experience, playtimes and general info:παίζω από 2005-2006

    Battle.Net Account:ErAnS
    Former experience and/or safelisted channels:*αυτή την στιγμή σε κανένα μόνο eleos παίζω αλλά παλιά σε όλα του mymgn

    Your activity and average playtime each week:*4-5 ώρες την ημέρα περίπου! Οπότε την εβδομάδα 30 με 35 ωριτσες

    Which time of the day you usually play:*Αργά το βράδυ παίζω συνήθως αλλά που και που και το απόγευμα

    How long you have been playing DotA:*10 χρονάκια σιγουρα

    Your ability to communicate with others:*πότε δεν είχα θέμα σε αυτό!άλλωστε παλιά ήμουν για χρόνια admin απλά έγινα demote
    Για inactive επειδή μετακόμισα Γαλλία και δεν μπορούσα να παίζω!
    Have you read the*rules*and agree to follow them?*Ναι τα έχω διαβάσει και δεν έχω problem με κατι

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? .ψυχραιμία παντα

    Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks):Oxi den exw kanena provlhma!etsi kai allios pote den eixa kai palia

    Is there anyone who can vouch for you?*Λογικά πολλά άτομα αλλά τώρα που να σας τους αναφέρω ολους

    Final Thoughts

    Why do you want to be an Admin:gt synithos tis wres pou paizw(arga to vrady) den exei synithos kai ginetai enas xamos se kathe game!

    Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:tha prospathisw wste na mhn yparxoun manners kai genika omali dieksagwgh tou game!

    Are you premium member?:No

    Are you using or a friend of yours an admin card?:nai tou Realsfaction!(an ginetai akoma gt den tin exei xrhshmopoihsh mou eipe)
    The Human whose name is written in this note shall die...

    I Have two rules:
    First, I'm never wrong.
    Second, If I'm wrong ...
    back to the first rule.

  2. #2



  3. #3
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Jul 2012
    • Posts: 30


    dn exeis th suberifora den kaneis gia admin meta apo auta p eida sto x9esino game


  4. #4
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Nov 2010
    • Posts: 156


    Quote Originally Posted by DA-GRANDE View Post
    dn exeis th suberifora den kaneis gia admin meta apo auta p eida sto x9esino game

    giauto ton logo kai irtha ekana admin appl!meta apo to xthesino mas game!eisai admin kai afhses ton allon 13 min afk kai den ton kickares mono kai mono gia na parete to game!den eisai admin mono gia na kaneis semi-mute alla giauta ta pragmata!enw olo to team sou elege kane kick gia afk den ekanes tipota kai eleges otan ton petaksei to bot!4 atoma sou legan kane kick giati einai afk kai esy ekanes mute all!bravo nai etsi prepei na einai oi admins exeis dikio!hsoun gia admin abuse man!
    The Human whose name is written in this note shall die...

    I Have two rules:
    First, I'm never wrong.
    Second, If I'm wrong ...
    back to the first rule.

  5. #5
    Rank: Aristocrat
    • Join Date: Aug 2013
    • Posts: 1,044


    Quote Originally Posted by ErAnS View Post
    hsoun gia admin abuse man!
    E kadon ti koblareis???
    +1 ston erans gia admin...!!!

  6. #6
    Rank: Banned User
    • Join Date: May 2011
    • Posts: 471


    Ρε παιδιά.....Αφου ξέρετε ότι ΔΕΝ ΣΠΑΜΑΡΟΥΜΕ στο Apllication μας......ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ Private Message !!!
    Σοβαρά τώρα......
    Ξανακάνε Application μετά τις 15 του μήνα και συ.....

    Admin Application


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