unban request
Battle.net nickname : IPWNAG3
game name : Via Da-BOT (That's what i see when i try to join game)
Admin : Bus@Irc
Reason: illegal votekick
Date : 2017-01-19
Since admin didn't writte the real game name i don't know which game is this all about,second of all im sorry if i abused any rule,but probably if we kicked someone and all people voted for yes i guess it wasn't for no reason at all.
First id like to know which game and player is this all about and second im grateful beforehand if you unban me
Also,have you guys considered to stop perma banning people for such reasons,what's up with timed ban?
Thanks beforehand
Cheers everyone
Rank: Unban Requests Manager
this acc belong to an another user if its you join with the other acc and post something here or send me a msg!
Rank: Unban Requests Captain
I Pmed kabalarian,was quite offline,what happened to this req?
they said that THIS USER http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=100215 , "stall" has the account ipwnag3 and they ask u to log in with that to check if its really you
Rank: Unban Requests Manager
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