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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Melaniki + Lyoto User Abuse

    hello everyone,

    I was in game gc132.. i was game creator.. i wasnt assigned as captain.. but i asked the assigned captain and he accepted that i would be..
    the game mode was CD, I was sent cap and Lyoto scourge cap..
    we picked.. and as for captain i have a picture i wanna apply for the game.. i picked tinker for my self and starting the picks melaniki took my hero.. i asked nicely to give it to me.. but the response was "Stfu im katerina[ac]" or something.. u can see it in the replay i posted with this thread...
    so first he is multi accounter.. i can understand that because we are on a new system and he just wanted to change a nick.. so i havent paid attention to it.. then started the flaming.. and more disobeys.. I said as far as i remember the rules that the one that doesnt listen to captain should be traunted.. so i said all traunt him but instead lyoto said leave and we traunt u and he was accompanied with some friends so they traunted me instead..
    i didnt really care so i went to channel and asked a moderator "incazzato to listen to me before applying warns.. instead he warned me 60% without even hearing my side of the story.."
    It hurts that with all my being in pdc i never ever got a warning before.. and lyoto was warned 100000% in his being here.. and his credibility is better than mine.. so please be objective and treat this right so we can have a better league to play at.

    Thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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    the part he said he was katerina was in whisper... i thought replay keeps that stuff... but well its not there.. and im on a mac and really i dont know how to ScreenShoot.. so forget about it i lost my proof

  3. #3
    Rank: Squire
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    Hi there,

    I agree with you Xainox.

    3.18) Captains:

    If you sign/join a cd/cm game, you have to listen to the captain, otherwise, the accused user can be punished with warns and truant (in the start of game). Abusing the captains position is punishable with warns and if you have the captain status you can be demoted.

    I'll let your warn be removed, and I'll speak with incazzato about his actions. Melinaki will be warned 15% for flame and 10% for captain disobey, I'll also ask another admin to give him more punishment since he had to be truanted.

    I'll take care off it,



  4. #4
    Rank: Regular
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    Well , no screenshots = no proofs about multi , but ill keep watching this Melaniki , and if ill catch him he gonna be warned 100 for multi.
    Ur warns removed

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
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    xainox me remove ur warns after 2 min and now u writhe this?u got warned 60 but not only for this game u flaming me hard in channel

    but now is it removed mb next time say it normal and post it on forum than we can help u Inca

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by shock_ View Post
    Well , no screenshots = no proofs about multi , but ill keep watching this Melaniki , and if ill catch him he gonna be warned 100 for multi.
    Ur warns removed
    Well I agree shock_ in this, because we cannot see melaniki saying she/he is katerina[ac]. We cannot read all the chat during the game because you have paused the game. And you said in the game that you cought a ss. If you have one, share it and we will do what is necesarry.
    Last edited by Pun1sh9; 07-02-2010 at 01:31 PM.

  7. #7
    Rank: Squire
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    Moved to solved section.
    If you wanna be rich....NANANANANA......You much to be a BIAAATCH!!!

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