hello everyone,
I was in game gc132.. i was game creator.. i wasnt assigned as captain.. but i asked the assigned captain and he accepted that i would be..
the game mode was CD, I was sent cap and Lyoto scourge cap..
we picked.. and as for captain i have a picture i wanna apply for the game.. i picked tinker for my self and starting the picks melaniki took my hero.. i asked nicely to give it to me.. but the response was "Stfu im katerina[ac]" or something.. u can see it in the replay i posted with this thread...
so first he is multi accounter.. i can understand that because we are on a new system and he just wanted to change a nick.. so i havent paid attention to it.. then started the flaming.. and more disobeys.. I said as far as i remember the rules that the one that doesnt listen to captain should be traunted.. so i said all traunt him but instead lyoto said leave and we traunt u and he was accompanied with some friends so they traunted me instead..
i didnt really care so i went to channel and asked a moderator "incazzato to listen to me before applying warns.. instead he warned me 60% without even hearing my side of the story.."
It hurts that with all my being in pdc i never ever got a warning before.. and lyoto was warned 100000% in his being here.. and his credibility is better than mine.. so please be objective and treat this right so we can have a better league to play at.
Thanks alot.