Admin Application-ARCHFIEND
Personal Info
Your name:Nikos
Your country:Greek
Spoken languages:Greek,English and a bit russian
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account:ARCHFIEND
Former experience and/or safelisted channels:400 games sto DA-LIVE hostbot
Your activity and average playtime each week:3 wres tin hmera sxedon oli tin evdomada
How long you have been playing DotA:4+ xronia
Your ability to communicate with others:eimai arketa epoikinwniakos pou h omilia mou einai euxaristh
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?nai,exw diavasei tous kanwnes arketes fores k pisteuw oti mporw na tous empedwsw
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?panta psixremia k upomonh
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks)oxi,gt megalwsa se oikogeneia pou mou ema8e na sevomai tous anwterous
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? 4-5 atoma VirusHunter93,COLDD(aderfia mou),mimitaos k JaW-BrEaKeR
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)an einai aparaithto,dn me peirazei
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin:8elw na ginw admin gt vare8ika na paizw games me leavers,me paiktes pou vrizoun xudaia ktlp.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:Oloi mas pisteuw otan paizoume ena game k 3afnika kapoios leavarei epeidh pe8ane prwtos,dn tou hr8e kalo pick sto random,exei pola deaths h dn pire kill aganaktoume kai euxomaste na ginoun ban autoi oi paiktes ka na pai3oume hsuxa k wraia to game mas.Gi'auto pisteuw pws mporw na eimai enas apo autous pou 8eloun na pai3oun ali8inh DoTA,elpizw an ginw admin,na mporesw na voi8isw tous upolipous admin na kanoun to ka8ikon tous!!
A few things about yourself:Geni8ika A8hna,Megalwsa k menw Alexandroupoli,exw all 3 aderfia,oi 2 malista paizoun dota kai einai upostiriktes.
Additional information:Mou aresei polu h mousikh paizw 6 xronia akordeon,5 xronia trompeta,3 xronia drums k 3 xronia piano.Se liga xronia 8a parw to ptuxio mousikhs k organwn.Apo 3enes glwsses exe to ptuxio agglikwn k oi goneis mou mou ema8an liga rwsika.Apo a8litismo paizw basket k mou aresei k to podosfairo.
Euxaristw pou 3odepsate to xrono na to diavasete
The template is in English and you reply in Greek i mean how much Brain does it need that the admins are not Greek? [Except me ofc]
To template eine sta agglika kai esy apantas sta ellhnika. Poso mualo xriazete gia na katalaveis oti oloi oi admins ektos apo emena den eine Ellhnes?!
And i really mean WTF? maybe you are in wrong fucking section or are you looking for a league to join where you can become admin instantly ? ROFL
BUMP get outta here
Last edited by DieByZer0; 10-09-2010 at 12:34 PM.
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