Personal Info
Your name:Giannis
Your country:Greece
Occupation:Ma8itis 3tis lykeiou
Spoken languages:English
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account:MrAmazing
Former experience and/or safelisted channels:3ekinisa apeu8ias sta bots t eleos
Your activity and average playtime each week:20-25
Which time of the day you usually play:sini8ws pezw tin nyxta meta to frodistirio
How long you have been playing DotA: ~2years
Your ability to communicate with others:Sxedon pada sinenooume apsoga m tous allous players
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?Nai exw diavasi ta rules edw k arketo kairo k prospa8w na ta efarmoso otan k efwswn t epitrepoun oi sin8ikes
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?Sini8os prospa8w na ferome psixrema...k na skeutomai tin kalhterh dinati lush
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) Oxi,giati gia na einai kapios megalhtero rank simeni oti s kati 8a ienai kalhteros k 8a 3erei parapanw pragmata .
Is there anyone who can vouch for you?den 3erw ean iparxi kapios gia n kanei vouch
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) Exw k xrisimopoio ventrillo edw k polla xronia,ara nai 8a borousa.
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin:Gia na mio8ei o ari8mos ton game me leavers/flamers etc.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:Kata ti gnwmh m 8a borousa na mioso tn ari8mo ton leavers/flamers.
A few things about yourself:M aresi t podosfairo,asxoloume arketa m tous ipologistes k genika games.
Additional information: dn exw kati allo na pros8eso