IDEC - Elite International DotA community is the the direct successor of IHCS. For many months the #idec-channel on IRC is the meeting point par excellence for the best DotA players in the world. Daily qualitative inhouse-matches are organised there every day. The most interesting matches are streamed on Garena.
The website of IDEC looks a bit different than usual. A black background and the second sentence is enough to show that the site has been hacked. The first sentence: "First of all we want to salute IDEC players and to transmit them a warm welcome to what has to be, END of this league." In the next few sentences they talk about Ngear, a head admin of Garena. He arbitrarily deleted streams on Garena, banned accounts and removed stream permissions.
fragster investigated the matter and found the people who are responsible for the hacker attack: the admins of the "Romania CyberGames Private League", a Romanian-Inhouse-League. Ngear deleted many streams of the league in the past few days and removed many streaming permissions. fragster spoke with Z3br4, the initiator of the whole thing. "Ngear thinks that the RCPL will never be on the same level as IDEC. He thinks that the skill level is too low, that's why he deleted all the streams. By doing this he insulted all Romanians."
Ngear is also one of the owners of the IDEC, who explains why the Romanians hacked the page. "Our aim is that Ngear does not to control this whole system and leagues through this global media thing. We hacked IDEC to take our revenge on him. We just want RCPL to remain as a good league", says Z4br4.
"We do not bow in front of nobody. This is just the beginning!" is the final statement of the Romanians to the world. Whether this illegal hacker attack is reasonable and brings them closer to their goals is very questionable. With that action they even don't stop IDEC itself, since the page didn't have a big meaning. However, they have reached one goal: They made everything public. Maybe something will change and the actions done by Garena-Admins will be reconsidered.
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