Personal Info
Your name: Apostolos
Age: 19
Your country: greece
Spoken languages: ellinika, agglika, gallika
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account: xardas
Former experience and/or safelisted channelsantou sxedon alla kata vasi nol
Your activity and average playtime each week: weekly den kserw alla fantazomai ena 10wraki tin imera isws to rixnw afou den kanw tpt allo otan eimai sto spiti
Which time of the day you usually play:apo tin wra pou tha ksupnisw. dld eksartatai apo to an vgika tin proigoumeni mera kai ti wra koimithika.
How long you have been playing DotA:to 1o game to eriksa sto gumnasio alla sovari dota 3 xronia
Your ability to communicate with others:eksairetiki an skefteite oti tpt den tarazei ta nera mou kai an uparxei prob na eiste sigouroi oti den tha eimai egw autos pou to ksekinise. tha eimai omws autos pou tha to liksei.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? safws. eimai arketa apogeiteumenos apo tin kataxrisi pou uparxei me tous admins kai nomizw pws den tha kanw kapoio lathos, opote i agree to follow em.
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? den eimai under pressure sxedon pote alla otan eimai pairnw mia vathia anasa kai anazitw tin aitia opws eipa kai prin
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) ennoeitai oxi. alliws den tha ekana application apo tin arxi
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? einai 2o appl opote fantazomai arketoi. an vevaia to doun. den gurizw gia na zitaw support. pote den to ekana.
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) skype - msn
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin: gt otan ginetai xamos apo games eimai mesa kai otan den uparxoun games eimai pali mesa.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: gt otan imoun admin oloi oi users itan euxaristimenoi apo mena. imoun apistefta eugenikos, anektikos kai dikaios. efaga 3 lvl warn apo ta opoia to ena itan kai an thelete mporeite na ta checkarete. to 1o appl egine sta 450 games. meta to demote perasan 6 mines peripou kai twra sta 1300 kanw ksana. arketes apantiseis einai copy paste gt den allaksan kai polla pragmata. den tha elega omws oti einai ena ftwxo appl.
A few things about yourself:dota, basket, fai mexri to prwi! meta upnos ws to mesimeri kai here we go again! as valoume kai ta mounia kathws kai to play3.