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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Arank's side-effect: loitering

    I am quite sure many of you are familiar with this DotA-symptom that when other side reaches status where opposite side can no longer threaten them, in other words incapable of launching effective counterpush, the winning side starts loitering. Instead of finishing the game, they start creeping, killing Roshan few times, just for fun, and getting kills from those who wander too far from the base. I've been in couple games where the winning side has loitered, creeped and get kills while reminding that they are using ranking. Let's face it, it's cool to get even cooler weapons, equipment and lots of kills for the winning side but how about the other side?

  2. #2
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    Yes, and so what.../

    I didn't get any suggestion here. I'm moving this to General where people can discuss this at will.

    Once you decide to be stupid, the only turn back is intelligence. Don&#39;t be smart enough to be intelligent and then have to become stupid to undo something dumb!<br /><br />There is only one problem with sarcasm: chimpy chimpos. Sarcasm is as neat as water: depends on the background to tell its color.<br /><br />~In

  3. #3
    Rank: Councilor
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    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    I would suggest other side to:
    Catch them one by one and kill.
    Farm in the forest like crazy monkey.
    Wait when they push, kill and counter push.
    Pull one hero so he will be able to kill entire enemy team (if they got that hero).
    And so on...

  4. #4
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    That or go to the kitchen, prepare that nice, really opulent sandwich and walk calmly back to the computer. Chew at will each chump, while everyone calls you a quitter and start quitting themselves. Throw yourself to death playing one handed against heroes 5 lvls avobe you in that mega push they make and gently type "sheesh" while they destroy your base. While dead, continue to eat the rest of the meal and wait for the inebitable end to come, then put a bullet into your hear OR start playing normal games until you get an icon and join TDA safelist. From then on, that shouldn't be a problem any more.
    Once you decide to be stupid, the only turn back is intelligence. Don&#39;t be smart enough to be intelligent and then have to become stupid to undo something dumb!<br /><br />There is only one problem with sarcasm: chimpy chimpos. Sarcasm is as neat as water: depends on the background to tell its color.<br /><br />~In

  5. #5
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    Quote Originally Posted by Curath
    while reminding that they are using ranking.
    Arrange with your team about forfeiting
    Then everyone of you should type "ff" or "forfeit" in all chat and leave together.

    Then none of you will get -10, and if the other team won't finish the game within the next 5 minutes, none of them will get +1 either, and their team will not have won for Arank.

    Of course, this must be somehow coordinated, since if one of you stays, the trick will fail.
    And your leaves might still be banned with banlist.

  6. #6
    Rank: Regular
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    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    Quote Originally Posted by Curath
    I am quite sure many of you are familiar with this DotA-symptom that when other side reaches status where opposite side can no longer threaten them, in other words incapable of launching effective counterpush, the winning side starts loitering. Instead of finishing the game, they start creeping, killing Roshan few times, just for fun, and getting kills from those who wander too far from the base. I've been in couple games where the winning side has loitered, creeped and get kills while reminding that they are using ranking. Let's face it, it's cool to get even cooler weapons, equipment and lots of kills for the winning side but how about the other side?
    scared of losing pts by that way? Go AFK =P
    But really, i exp that in TDA too, esp when u can't forfeit before 60min makes it irritating
    HollowSnarl [All servers] Clan sN; Safelisted(TDA AND DCE)<br />Kyll3r[Lordaeron] Clan sN Shaman<br /><br />Lordaeron BLACKLIST<br />List of maphackers:<br />Secretzzz<br />List of Drop Hackers:<br />kayne-east<br />Maverick781

  7. #7

    Default Re: Arank's side-effect: loitering

    going afk really sucks... i kind of agree with brutalisk, if you cant push then just dont try it. its ruining your fun and encourages the enemy to prolong it even more. try to get boots of travel with as many heroes as possible and keep defending and ganging.
    those who prolong are usually only focused on frags, chasing blindly behind the towers and not pushing even if most of your own team is dead. or they go farming themselves.
    case 1: defensive playstyle will ruin their patience until they make mistakes or even leave the game. wards can be really important for this tactic, they might find you creeping in the forest if you stay there too long. if you cant afford wards, sometimes its even better to do nothing at all until the enemy creeps attack one of your towers again. dying in lategame is just so much not worth it...
    case 2: if both farm, you usually improve more than the opponent does, thats because he's closer to being maxed out. if you notice the enemy tries to kill roshan, dont interfere. your chance to steal the bounty is around 10% or less i'd say: the enemies will simply kill you and continue with their task.
    however, keep in mind that you cannot keep up those things forever. the towers defending the barracks do not regenerate a single hitpoint anymore! so in the end, at some point you will have to push no matter how low the chances are. try to find the best timing for that, maybe if the rest of your team keeps them busy and you have boots of travel to push them down on another lane while they are not paying attention... manta style is usually the best item for this tactic as it also increases your chance to survive a little bit. the illusions last quite long if not destroyed, so let the creeps tank. not the manta illus.

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