Clan Nol Admin Application
Application Template (read before applying)
Your name Aggelos
Your country Ellada
Ημερομηνία Γέννησης 06/06/1994
Occupation Ma8hths 3ths Lukeiou
Spoken languages Agglika,Ellinika
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account EU.Kuroky
Former experience and/or safelisted channels eXW peksei ggc,Rgc,Eleos,Clan NoL,Mirc kai se alla channels k leagues...
Your activity and average playtime each week e sini8ws pezw panw apo 5 wres ka8hmerina dld tin vdomada kapou stis 40 wres kai kati parapanw i kai ligotero
Which time of the day you usually play Prwi ligo K meshmeri apogeuma sini8ws
How long you have been playing DotA Pezw kapou sta 4 xronia an dn kanw la8os..
Your ability to communicate with others Panta prospa8w na eimai filikos k eugenikos me tous perissoterous twra an kapios me prokalei ws an8rwpos k egw 8a neuriasw Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yes
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Exw arketh upomonh k dn neuriazw eukola!Etc k alliws ena game einai
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) Kai vevea oxi etc k alliws autes oi 8eseis uparxoun g na eksipiretoun to channel ara dn exw kanena provlhma
Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Nai uparxoun arketa atoma...
Willing to discuss your application on Teamspeak?(optional) Yes
Your !stats in Nol [NoL]: [eu.kuroky]: Forum: [] Games: [223]. ALT: [7.99s]. ASR: [99%]. Rated games (solo/team): [194] (12/182). ELO (solo/team): [1087.35] (1000.00/1174.69). Rank: [540] First game: [2011-07-19] Last game: [2011-08-15] Gold: [1640]
Final Thoughts
Please put some effort when you're writing your application,otherwise it will be rejected.
Why do you want to be an Admin Pedes uparxoun polles fores ka8hmerina p perimenw pollh wra na kanw game k auto me psiloneuriazei etc 8elw n apokthsw k egw to dikaiwma tou admin wste n mporw n hostarw ta dika m games..Kai allos enas logos einai oti einai pragmatika duskolo na peksw me friends sta games gt sini8ws dn prolavenoume n mpoume oloi eidika an eimaste 3-4 k katantaei vlakeia...
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us Mporw na voi8isw epeidi eimai polles wres on wste na dieksagontai polla games.Epishs Epeidi exw mia A' empeiria pistevw oti 8a kanw wraia games xwris n kanw kataxrhsh twn dikaiwmatwn tou admin k xwris n dhmiourgw provlhmata.
A few things about yourself Me lene Aggelo zw Sto Loutraki.Eimai ma8hths 3ths lukeiou.Exw asxolh8ei me to gumnasthrio episis epeza podosfairo stin topikh omada!Mou aresei na kaigomai sto dota kAi oi Ksan8oules epishs! Additional information E dn exw valei ta !stats m sth nol gt kati exei pextei me to IRC otan to ftiaksw 8a ta valw k auta!Euxaristw!