[14:52:22] * @MGN-BOTv1 Teams of Game #1777: The winner was: Sentinel - Duration: 37 minutes
[14:52:22] * @MGN-BOTv1 Team Sentinel (1050): Droooooje(+21), JERRYTHESLAYER(+21), PoA.Evrooo(+21), KanaTheSlayer(+21), rds.dm.wjustzik(+21)
[14:52:23] * @MGN-BOTv1 Team Scourge (983): TheSaint(-21), SASHKA(-21), D4L(-21), I7oKu(-21), fletcher312(-21)
Very strong guys, just watch replay. How playing BR on mid, Venge, and Clock solo bot.
[14:50:55] <TheSaint-> .stats d4l
[14:50:58] * @MGN-BOTv1 Stats for D4L (Captain): This Season: 8 wins, 18 losses and 848 points. Streak: -2. Ranked: 416/432; Activity: Active, 2.23 games per day, 7 games this week, 29 games this month
[14:51:03] <TheSaint-> .stats I7oku
[14:51:05] * @MGN-BOTv1 Stats for I7oKu (User): This Season: 4 wins, 6 losses and 959 points. Streak: -1. Ranked: 343/432; Activity: Inactive, 0.71 games per day, 3 games this week, 12 games this month
[14:51:20] <TheSaint-> .stats sashka
[14:51:22] * @MGN-BOTv1 Stats for SASHKA (User): This Season: 6 wins, 9 losses and 961 points. Streak: -2. Ranked: 336/432; Activity: Inactive, 0.44 games per day, 10 games this week, 15 games this month
P.S: Best league at Europe!!!How they got vouch, i dont know.