1. Your RGC nickname:

2. Your name, age and country you come from:
- Salvador "lock" Borja, 21, Philippines

3. Write a little about your DotA history and previous leagues/clans you played or play in:
- I've been playing for almost 3years and my previous tournaments are in Pacific eSports, MPGL Mineski, Ph.Allstar, Clanwars and Ph.Esports

4. What hero role(s) do you prefer?
- semi support

5. Do you know anyone in GHIDL league who could support your Vouch request?
- None but im interested in your channel and so that i can improve my dota style

6. Post at least 2 replays from league/cw and upload it on www.adotaparser.com .

- http://www.dotatalk.com/view_replay....1345031895.w3g = naga
- http://www.dotatalk.com/view_replay....1345643424.w3g = lanaya
- http://www.dotatalk.com/view_replay....1345031799.w3g = Earthshacker (CM but rmk then SH)