XP Boosts :

XP(Experience) in League of Legends are the points you need in order to level up your summoner account.
You can only acquire by completing a game. The a-beep-t of XP you gain from a game is calculated at the end of each game; wins are worth more than losses, and the longer the game lasts, the more XP you gain.
XP Boosts increase that a-beep-t.

The avaible XP Boosts in store are:
[*]1 Day: 150RP[*]3 Days: 260RP[*]7 Days: 520RP
[*]4Wins: 150RP[*]10Wins: 350RP

The difference between Per Win XP Boosts with Days Based XP Boosts are:[*]Per Win XP Boosts will expire after you win that a-beep-t of games.(Obviously)
[*]Days Based XP Boosts will expire in 1/3/7 days after you buy em.(Obviously)
[*]Per Win XP Boosts increases Experience Points gain to 300% IF you win a game.
(That means if you would normally gain 100XP for winning a game, with XP Boost you will gain 300XP)
[*]Days Based XP Boosts increases Experience Points gain to 200%.
(That means if you would normally gain 70XP for losing a game, with XP Boost you will gain 140XP)

So what is worthier to buy Days Based or Per win IP Boosts?
That depends on how much you will play.

[*]1 Day XP Boost(150RP) vs 4 Win XP Boost(150RP)
*Your win/loss ratio is 0.5

Since both cost the same RP, which is worthier is calculated only from the bonus XP you will get.

The total Experience you will get with 4 Win XP Boost is
XP * 300% * 4 = 1200% XP

In order 1 Day XP Boost to be worthier , you must get at least 1201% XP
1200% XP <(Games * 200% XP)/2 (its /2 since you only win half of your games)
You must play at least 12 games!(win 6 lose 6)

[*]3 Day XP Boost (260RP) vs 10 Win XP Boost (350RP)
*Your win/loss ratio is 0.5

350RP/260RP= 1.35
So 10 Win XP Boost cost 1.35 times more than 3 Day XP Boost

From 10 Win XP Boost, the total XP you will get is
XP* 300%*10=3000% XP

In order 3 Day XP Boost to be worthier , you must get at least 3001% XP
3000% XP <(Games * 200% XP)/2

But because 10 Wins XP Boost cost 1.35 times more than 3 Days XP Boost.

So you need at least 22 games (11Win 11Defeat).

IP Boosts :

IP(Influence Points) can be used in League of Legends store to unlock Champions / Runes / Rune Pages. IP are gained after completing a game. The a-beep-t of IP gained is calculated at the end of each game; wins are worth more than losses, and the longer the game lasts, the more IP you gain.
IP Boosts increase that a-beep-t.

The avaible IP Boosts in store are:
[*]1 Day: 290RP[*]3 Days: 520RP[*]14 Days: 1846RP
[*]4Wins: 290RP[*]10Wins: 670RP

The difference between Per Win IP Boosts with Days Based IP Boosts are:[*]Per Win IP Boosts will expire after you win that a-beep-t of games.(Obviously)
[*]Days Based IP Boosts will expire in 1/3/14 days after you buy em.(Obviously)
[*]Per Win IP Boosts add a flat amou nt of around 145IP IF you win a normal summoner rift game.
[b]Warning: if you play a different mode(ranked/costum/co-op vs al) or different map the flat IP amo unt will be different, ex: if you win a twisted treeline, that IP boost a-beep-t will be less.
(Note1:The flat amout for a ranked game win is 168IP.)
(Note2:The time played in a game does not affect this boost�s reward.)
(That means if you would normally gain 70IP for winning a game, with IP Boost you will gain 215IP)
[*]Days Based IP Boosts increases Influence Points gain to 200%.
(That means if you would normally gain 70IP for losing a game, with IP Boost you will gain 140IP)

So what is worthier to buy Days Based or Per win IP Boosts?
That depends on how much you will play.

The reward for a win is approximately: 18 IP + 2.312 per minute IP, and
For a loss, the reward is approximately: 16 IP + 1.405 per minute IP.
(You gain ~100IP in a 37minute win, and ~68 in a 37minute defeat)

There are also some caps:
On Summoner's Rift these caps are at 25 minutes (76 IP for a win) and 55 minutes (145 IP for a win).
On Twisted Treeline the minimum cap is at 20 minutes (64 IP for a win) the maximum cap is not known.


[*]1 Day IP Boost(290RP) vs 4 Win IP Boost(290RP) (for Normal Games)
*Your win/loss ratio is 0.5
*You play at summoner rift and your games usually end in 30minutes

Since both cost the same RP, which is worthier is calculated only from the bonus IP you will get.

With 4 Win IP Boost the total bonus IP you will get it will be
4games * 145IP Flat a-beep-t = Bonus 580IP.

In order 1 Day IP Boost to be worthier than 4 Win IP Boost, the bonus IP you will get should be at least 581IP.
Lets do the math.

18 IP + 2.312 per minute IP
16 IP + 1.405 per minute IP (+)
34 IP + 3.717 per minute IP

34 IP + 3.717 per minute IP / 2 = 17*games +1.8585 per minute IP , and since all games last 30minutes
17*games +1.8585 per minute IP = 17*games +1.8585*games*30 per game

1Game=>72 (17*games +1.8585*games*30=17*1+1.8585*1*30=72)
9Games=>648Bonus IP581

So if you got 0.5 win loss ratio , and you finish your games in 30minutes, you will need 8 games(5win 3 losses) or 9 games(4win 5losses) to make 1 Day IP Boost worthier than 4 Win IP Boost.

[*]3 Days IP Boost(520RP) vs 10 Wins IP Boost(670RP) (For normal games)
*Your win/loss ratio is 0.5
*You play at summoner rift and your games end in 30minutes

So 10 Wins IP Boost cost 1.3 times more than 3 Days IP Boost.

If you win 10 games, the bonus IP you will get with 10 Wins IP Boost will be
10Games * 145 Flat IP=1450IP

In order 3 Days IP Boost to be worthier than 10 Wins IP Boost the bonus IP you will get should be at least 1451 IP.

You gain 17*games +1.8585*games*30 per game so:

1450<17*games +1.8585*games*30 =
1450<17*games + 55.755*games =
1450<72.755*games =
games> 20

But because 10 Wins IP Boost cost 1.3 times more than 3 Days IP Boost.


So if you got 0.5 win loss ratio , and you finish your games in 30minutes, you will need 15 games to make 3 Day IP Boost worthier than 10 Win IP Boost.

Very big Thanks & Credits : Gregor