Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. With experience, druids can unleash nature�s raw energy against their enemies, raining celestial fury on them from a great distance, binding them with enchanted vines, or ensnaring them in unrelenting cyclones.

Druids can also direct this power to heal wounds and restore life to fallen allies. They are deeply in tune with the animal spirits of Azeroth.

As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts, morphing into a bear, cat, storm crow, or sea lion with ease. This flexibility allows them to fill different roles during their adventures, tearing enemies to shreds one minute and surveying the battlefield from the sky the next. These keepers of the natural order are among the most versatile heroes in Azeroth, and they must be prepared to adjust to new challenges on a moment�s notice.

Druid Information

Druids are versatile combatants, in that they can fulfill nearly every role � healing, tanking, and damage dealing. It�s critical that druids tailor the form they choose to the situation, as each form bears a specific purpose.

Tank, Healer, Ranged Magic Damage Dealer, Melee Damage Dealer

Standard Bars
Health, Mana, Rage, Energy

Available Armor
Cloth, Leather

Available Weapons
Daggers, Fist Weapons, One-Handed Maces, Polearms, Staves, Two-Handed Maces

Druid Talents

Druid talents focus on improving the powers of their natural and animal forms, enhancing their ability to summon forth natural phenomena, or increase the potency of their life-giving healing magic.

Druid Talent Specialization: Balance Feral Restoration