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  1. #1

    Default Thanks from the fans

    It seems that the timing of this blog is running out. I would like to say a big 'thank you' to Kheops Studio team for giving to the public the chance for direct communication and thanks to for replying to all our questions satisfactory.

    Keep up the good work guys, I'll always be supporting you as we'll all friends of Kheops do so
    Currently Playing: Myst 10th Anniversary Edition

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2005
    • Posts: 23

    Default Re: Thanks from the fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Valdventurer
    It seems that the timing of this blog is running out. I would like to say a big 'thank you' to Kheops Studio team for giving to the public the chance for direct communication and thanks to for replying to all our questions satisfactory.

    Keep up the good work guys, I'll always be supporting you as we'll all friends of Kheops do so
    It was a pleasure and hope to have an other opportunity very soon !
    Thanks to you fans and also to AE for this online event !

    Kheops Team

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2005
    • Posts: 22

    Default Re: Thanks from the fans

    Comme wedge l'a dit on peut parler directement francais alors:
    Je dirais un grand merci ŕ Kheops Studio pour ce moment!
    Les jeux qu'ils pr�parent ont l'air d'avance r�ussi donc merci pour ca aussi...

    Et bon courage pour la suite des d�veloppements!
    Merci encore!

    I would say a great thank you to Kheops Studio for this moment!
    Games they are developping looks great (in advance) so thanks for that too...

    And good continuation for the end of the developpement of those games!
    Thanks again!

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